Awesome job Christian!! Keep on being creative and innovating in your art journey!!
- Sabrina (Mother) on January 30, 2020
Awesome job honey!! I love your creative use of color and your eye for a nice pattern. Another piece of artwork for us to frame!!! -- Sabrina
- on May 28, 2018
Keep up the good work son! -- Juan
- on May 28, 2018
Now this would look wonderful on the wall in your younger brothers room or even in a children's book. I am proud of your work -- Juan
- on March 8, 2018
Now this is very interesting piece of abstract art! Are those hands I see? -- Juan
- on March 8, 2018
That is a very good use of color, very creative... Awesome job son! -- Juan
- on March 8, 2018
I am so impress with your artwork. Very nice work. The colors you selected go together so well. Please keep up the good work. I see an artist in your future! -- Regina
- on February 24, 2018
I love your colors and creativity in this picture!! -- Sabrina