Dear Sophia: This is quite different--don't know how you did it. Great trying different art media. Love you Pappou Don.
- Pappou on March 5, 2025
So Real!
- Alex on March 5, 2025
I love the dark purple landscape. Just beautiful.
- Grandma Alex on October 30, 2024
Hi Sophia: Very creative. You are definitely talented in more ways than one. Love you, Pappou
- Pappou on October 30, 2024
Hi Sophia, I love this picture. The color of the sky is very unique and very real. Grandma Alex
- Alex on October 30, 2024
Nice delicate flower!
- Alex on October 30, 2024
Hi Sophia: I, of course, knew this was in Greece. The editing made an unusual and striking presentation. I just started to notice the "Artist Statements" that you have written with each of your art works. I found your comments relative to the "4 x 5 Project" to be very insightful. We should all look to, and recognize the beauty around us. Love you.
- Pappou on October 30, 2024
Hi Sophia: Very impressive, creative--looks like a cover for a travel brochure.
- Pappou on October 30, 2024
This is wonderful piece. Calm and graceful. Strong work!
- Daddy on December 20, 2023
Hello Sophia: Nana Donna and I love your latest artwork; Very creative. Love you
- Pappou Don on December 20, 2023
Dear Sophia, I love your art piece. It looks like an ancient artifact. I like the turquoise coloring and the delicate markings. Good job! Grandma Alex
- Alex on November 2, 2022
Very Nice Sophia!
- Alex on November 2, 2022
Hi Sophia: Really like your latest art work. Love the colors--Looks like it would be a fun town to live in. Love you, Pappou Don
- Pappou Don on November 2, 2022
My dearest, Sophia, is a very gifted young artist and I want to congratulate her for her latest art work, the Ceramic Vase, that she created! Grandmother, Olga
- Olga on April 13, 2022
Hello dear Sophia: Your ceramic dessert art work is great! Certainly looks good enough to eat, however not possible to do so. Well done! Love you Pappou Don & Nana Donna
- Pappou Don on April 13, 2022
Hi Sophia: You did a wonderful drawing of the leaf and all the detail. It was great seeing you this past weekend. Love you.
- Pappou Don on April 13, 2022
Hi Sophia: Just saw your "5th Landscape Extension" artwork and I really like the bold colors you have used. Very creative! Love you, Pappou Don
- Pappou Don on April 13, 2022
Hi Sophia: I love your "Color Explosion" with all the separated areas and strong colors. Very creative. Love you, Pappou Don.
- Pappou Don on April 13, 2022
Hi Sophia: You drew a very happy looking bunny. It makes me smile! Art work doesn't always have to be in color. Love you, Pappou Don
- Pappou on April 13, 2022
Hello Dear Sophia: Once again you have done a great job with your latest art work. You are very talented, not to mention intelligent and very good looking. Miss you and love you., Pappou Don
- Pappou on April 13, 2022
Hi Sophia, I wanted to tell you that I really like your "Flowers in a vase" art creation. I have told you before that you are quite talented. -- Pappou Don
- on June 19, 2019
Hi Sophia: I love your drawing of the Cardinals. The Northern Cardinal is the State Bird of Virginia and we associate the Cardinal with my father for a good reason that I will tell your Mom. Love you, Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on June 19, 2019
Hi Sophia: I really like your drawing of the "Laurel Birch cats"--great shape and colors of the cat! You are very talented. Mom recently sent me photos of you that show a beautiful , talented and smart young lady! Love you. Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on June 19, 2019
Dear Sophia, what a wild and crazy picture. I love it! And I love you. Grandma Alex -- alex
- on June 19, 2019
Alex -- alex
- on June 19, 2019
Dearest Sophia, we love your latest creation!The colors are very pretty and the little guy isvery cute. We love you and wish you to have a productive school year. -- Grandpa George and grandmother Olga
- on November 29, 2018
Dear Sophia: Nana Donna and I both love your latest artwork. Ms Sackley, your teacher, asked you to create "Wild things with visual texture" and you did that very creatively! Congratulations. We love you. -- Pappou Don
- on November 29, 2018
Dear Sophia: I and Nana Donna, think this is an amazing piece of art work--You are very talented. I never was able to do anything like this! Love you, Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on November 29, 2018
Dearest Sophia, we love your new creation You are very talented. The design, and the colors you use are very Pleasant to the eye. Congratulations!!!!! -- George & Olga
- on November 29, 2018
Beautiful flowers. Happy Spring. Love you. -- Pappou George Yiayia Olga
- on November 29, 2018
Hi Sophia: I really like your snowman art work. Where did you get this talent? Love you Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on November 29, 2018
I love this one! -- Mata
- on December 13, 2017
Sophia- love your colors and your lines! Very creative. -- Nouna Mata
- on December 13, 2017
Hi Sophia, I love your artwork with all the different colorful circles. I see you used one of your favorite colors: purple. It is one of my favorite colors, too. Have a great year in first grade. Grammy, Alex -- Grammy Alex
- on December 13, 2017
Dear Sophia: You are very talented in your art work. I never had such talent. You are a rock star and I love you very much. Pappou Don. -- Pappou Don
- on December 13, 2017
Dear Sophia: I love your latest art work, "Pear still life". You are very talented. I was very happy to see you, George and Spiro and your mom and dad this past several days. Love you, Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on August 10, 2017
Dearest Sophia congratulations for your latest creation! I like the Symmetrical shape of the heart, the purplish color and the accent Colors. Keep up your interest in the arts because Art makes the world A better place to live. -- Olga
- on August 10, 2017
Dearest Sophia, Congratulations! Wellcome to the world of art. We love your bright and happy colors and also the realistic shapes you. The Matisse Apples look real and ready to eat and the red and purple heart, young and healthy. The smily snowman very happy, and warm with his pretty scarf. The eyes of the lady bug very smart. Sophia, Keep up your artistic interest. Love you pappou George yiayia Olga -- George and Olga
- on August 10, 2017
Beautiful colors Sophia! I love purple and red. It almost looks like a water scene with drops of white surf. Great imagination and a lovely picture. I lost the first one so I am so..... glad you sent it again. Love Grammy Alex -- Grammy Alex
- on March 8, 2017
Dear Sophia: I have just seen your artwork, "Matisse Apples" and "Kindergarten Hearts" and I think they are both very well done. I really like the colors you have used. You do have a talent for art. Love you -- Pappou Don
- on March 8, 2017
Hi Sophia: Another impressive work of art. Congratulations for being on the front page of your local newspaper. Looking forward to your new creations. Love Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on March 8, 2017
Dear Sophia: Your art work is very good--I am quite impressed. I look forward to seeing your future creativity. Love Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on December 7, 2016
Dear Sophia: I love your "Grouchy" lady bug. I could not have done as well as you have done. Love you, Pappou Don -- Pappou Don
- on December 7, 2016
I love the June bug, Sophia. A wonderful piece of art worthy of a frame. -- Grammy Alex
- on November 2, 2016
Hi Sophia, I love your artwork. The colors are great and the design shows imagination. Good job! -- Grammy Alex