Parker7592's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Parker7592's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Parker, Your "Winter Skies" artwork is beautiful! It looks very ominous! I believe a storm is brewing in your skies! Wouldn't it be wonderful if your storm brought snow!!! Love, Grandma Karen
- on December 14, 2016
Dear Parker, I love your green Monster. The thing I like is he's not too scary. Just a little bit. I like the clothes you put on him! They are very cool and only a little scary. Grandma does not like things that are very scary! I love you, Grandma Karen
- on November 17, 2016
Dear Parker, I love getting your art work! You are very talented! I would like to send a copy of this one to your Mom's Aunt Isabella (the artist). I believe she will like your work! She calls or texts me often to send her photos of my latest art. Every time we are lucky enough to get together she gives me a new art lesson. My last lesson was in using alcohol based inks to make dreamscapes. I have purchased all the inks now but have not had time to try them. This piece of your art she will like a lot! She always tells me "use lots of color and try abstract". When your Mommy was a little girl Aunt Isabella gave her and Uncle JR and all their cousins an art lesson one Christmas when she and Uncle Don came home from Spain for the holiday. Please keep up the good art! It is very important to do art for relaxation! I love you, Grandma Karen
- on November 17, 2016
We sure like your art project and you used my favorite color = RED. Can't wait to see more of your work!! Love Grandma Toni & Grandpa Bruce
- on November 5, 2016
What an amazing classroom project Parker!! it made us happy to see how well you are doing in 1st grade. Love Grandma Toni + Grandpa Bruce
-- Grandma Toni
- on October 28, 2016
Dear Parker,
I love your new piece of art! The colors you chose are beautiful! They are well blended to make new colors and very pretty! Love Grandma Karen
- on October 28, 2016