Caleb17467's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Caleb17467's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very interesting work here Caleb. It seems to be a tall building that's "Green with a lean!" That's my title for it if you want to use it. :) Good job! Keep up the creativity. Looks like you're already getting geared up for St. Patrick's Day. :) Blessings to you!
-- Marlon
- on April 12, 2017
Future architect or designer maybe?
-- Rochelle
- on April 12, 2017
Awesome job Caleb! Can't wait to see more.
-- Rochelle
- on April 12, 2017
Great Artwork Caleb - Keep up the good work !!
-- Sherita
- on November 10, 2016
I love your use of geometrical designs and your color blends. Wonderful imagination too. One finger actually looks like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Great job Caleb!
-- Marsha
- on November 10, 2016
Awesome Picture! A big "High 5" to that creative hand of art!
-- Marlon
- on November 9, 2016
Love the colors and graphic designs
-- Cher
- on November 8, 2016