Elin134's Comments (23)

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Below are comments about Elin134's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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What a variety of ways you used to create this splendid picture! The impressive house on the side of the hill/mountain has a lot of explore. The coloful curving road, jagged landscape, textured house roofs, and noticeable Christmas/winter elements all caught my attention. The slanted falling snow adds another shade of interest. Where ever the peer smudge is, it is now an added part of the whole picture. Glad to read that you enjoy the snow and your Midwestern roots.
- Mormor on February 5, 2025
Once again you impressed us with your unique art project -combining orgami with a clay pot! The unusual shape of your bowl is eyecatching, and I really like that azure blue. Getting it so shiny must have taken many coats of glaze. We think it is great that you are learning all those new ways/methods of working with clay. Perhaps a drop of sunshine fell on your bowl. ;-)
- Mormor & Morfar on June 28, 2024
Hi Elin, Your picture from the "The days on the farm" had an impressive sunset. It must have been a challenge to get all the different shades of the sky to blend so neatly. I didn't know you were using acrylic paint; I think you did a fine job. Soon we will be seeing more sunshine and some warmer weather. Love, Mormor
- Mormor on April 10, 2024
Wow! This picture looks great! With just blue and white you really created a variety of shades, textures, and depths. My eye follows the river to the far away lake which is defined by the size of those small trees in the distance. I imagine this took a lot of thought and patience with all those dots. It is fun to read about your thinking and planning in making this picture. Morfar thinks your painting gives the viewer a very peaceful and relaxed feeling. :-)
- Mormor & Morfar on May 17, 2023
Elin, I really like your new art piece. Grandma would have loved to have shown it in her Old Courthouse Arts Center. Love, Grandpa
- Grandpa on May 17, 2023
Hi Elin, I think your Crazy Lady picture is very striking and unique. I like the dots too, but I think the lighter green areas allow the two pinks to stand independently. Your black lines are very precise and make the picture look very organized and neat. Fine job!! Love, Mormor and Morfar
- Mormor & Morfar on October 31, 2022
Hi Elin, Your shoe is drawn ever so neatly and looks very clean cut. I would think you had to be very careful and patient to draw such an attractive shoe with all thoseexact details . Your nuetral background color is a fine choice and lets the shoe take center stage. :-)
- Mormor & Morfar on October 31, 2022
Hi Elin, I think you did a great job on your pumpkin picture. The detailed shading of the main pumpkin is so realistic. The various hues of orange along with the light-yellow hints and penciled lines look so natural. Your patience and perseverance in creating those many small pumpkins filling every possible space is admirable. I think those along with the window dividers give depth to the picture. I also like that you set the pumpkin on a slant or angle that catches the viewer's eye. :-)
- Mormor & Morfar on October 31, 2022
Hi Elin, Loma the Llama is a lucky one to have such a fancy woven saddle sash. I like the variety and shading of blues that you used, and with that happy face, so does Loma. Her colorful collar and ankle bands/bracelets are great details you have added. Having Loma on a sofa really catches the observers attention since that certainly isn't a place where you would normally expect to see a llama. :-) Nice job!
- Mormor & Morfar on March 9, 2022
Hi Elin, What a colorful autumn tree you have created! The tree looks realistic with several branches shown peeking through the remaining leaves. I like the way you drew some of the yellow and orange leaves are drifting down to collect below. Also with your shading of red and brown on the ground and the use of darker blue in sky, your picture really stands out and looks dramatic. Great job! Mormor :-)
- Mormor on December 6, 2019
This is, by far, the prettiest elephant I have ever seen. Every part of her is colorful and attractive. I like the vines of tulips on her face, her rainbow legs, the stars and dots on her body, and the fancy detailed rug on her back. Your magenta background is a great contrast and that special frame really completes the picture!
-- Mormor
- on September 27, 2019
What a great way to greet spring with your beautiful bouquet of flowers! Even the tablecloth and wall paper are ever so colorful. This must have taken a lot of time and patience. I also like the different kinds of flowers and your detail of the green leaves filling in the bouquet. Bravo for you, Elin.
-- Mormor Morfar
- on September 27, 2019
This is one colorful snail! You did a fine job on the neat rainbow colors. This should be made into a Hallmark Get Well card since it cheers up anyone who sees it. You have lots of details with the smiley faces, red bow tie, baby snail in the corner, and top hats on both snails. You might even give it to Dad for Father's Day!
-- Mormor
- on September 27, 2019
If all beetles were all these beautiful colors, everybody would love to have beetles all over. I see each one has a different design on his/her back and you took time to change the colors for all of them too. This is a perfect picture after the winter season when we want to see some colorful flowers and maybe some rainbows. The first day of Spring is tomorrow, March 20th.
-- Mormor
- on September 27, 2019
Wow! They ARE beautiful beetles. How colorful they are with the different backgrounds. I see each beetle also has his/her individual design or pattern on its back. Great job, Elin!
-- Mormor
- on September 27, 2019
Dear Elin, It was so hard to pick my favorite because I really liked all your artwork. I chose the piece with the flowers for many reasons. I loved that you filled the page with the flower blooms so that they were distributed from top to bottom.. Great composition. And your choice of colors for the blooms worked so well together. But I really loved how you were able to give all the blooms individual stems that seemed to weave through your painting and create such an awesome background You are a really good artist Grandma
-- Grandma
- on September 27, 2019
Hi Elin, What a colorful cat you have created! That tiny bird seems quite brave to sit right on top of his head. The background color you chose really makes your picture stand out. This picture could be displayed for Valentine's Day too. :-) Nice Job!
-- Mormor
- on January 24, 2018
What a colorful teepee you made! There are so many different designs on it. Could that be a fire by the opening ? I think there is a real Native American home at the Field Museum downtown. Maybe you will be able to see that sometime with your family. See you on Sunday.
-- Mormor
- on November 15, 2017
What a happy pig you have painted! He seems to be delighted that he is on a nice green grassy field. We have heard about two other pigs recently. Late one night our friends in Florida hit a wild pig and seriously damaged their car. Then Roberta and Skip met a couple in Georgia who had a big pig named Gumbo as their pet. I think your pig is the easiest to have around the house. :-)
-- Mormor & Morfar
- on April 13, 2017
How nice to see signs of spring!. Your colorful blooming flowers are a happy reminder that the first day of Spring should not be too far away. The flowers look fluffy, and I bet they were fun to make. Maybe you can grow flowers like these on your porch when the weather is warmer. See you soon.
-- Mormor Morfar
- on March 1, 2017
Great job, Elin. You made the mittens match exactly. I like all the different colors and patterns. You even had different shapes with the hearts, circles, triangles, and squares. This painting must have taken a lot of concentration. Good for you. :-)
-- Mormor Morfar
- on February 3, 2017
Your bridge picture is really colorful. There are so many pretty flowers beneath the bridge. Maybe some of them are water lilies. This is a good picture to look at on a gray January day. At the end of the bridge I see the green bushes and trees. It would be fun to cross a bridge like this and look over the sides. Fine job, Elin.
-- Mormor Morfar
- on February 3, 2017
Bravo for you! I can see your house with the street right in front of it. Then I see that other street that leads away towards the train tracks. Did you make the house purple because that is still your favorite color? Maybe you added a blue bow on top for decoration. You will have to tell me about it when I see you. :-)
-- Mormor Morfar
- on February 3, 2017