Bryson2806's Comments (2)

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Below are comments about Bryson2806's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Dear Bryson, We love your picture and the great colors you chose to use! The leaves look just like the ones that are COVERING our yard right now. They are beautiful but hard to rake up!! But it is fun to jump in the piles of leaves :-) You did a great job on this art project!! The water color background looks very cool, and you accented the leaves so well carefully staying outside the lines. Well done!! We love and miss you and enjoy seeing some of the art you are doing in kindergarten. love, Grammie and Pops
-- Grammie
- on October 30, 2016
Dear Bryson, This is an awesome picture! It is very interesting how you created the buildings and we love the colors you chose to use to finish it. We are excited we have a way of seeing some of the things you are doing in kindergarten!! Hope you are having as much fun with your art as we are going to have seeing it :-) Love you bunches!! Grammie & Pops
-- Grammie & Pops
- on October 30, 2016