Winter window…very nice! Would this be a home you’d like to live in some day? Love the colors you used around your window too!! Looks like a pond close by…ant fish? Skating in the winter! Keep up the beautiful artwork you share with Grandpa and me! We love your work. We love you more!!
- Gram and Gramps on March 6, 2025
Crumbled paper abstract art!! Very cool!! Love the colors!! So how long did something like this take you? One class or more?? What size paper did you use?? Is each little piece crumbled?? Keep making beautiful artwork for gramps and me to enjoy! Love and hugs!
- Gram and Gramps on January 30, 2025
Joy to the world!! What a beautiful picture Jackson! Love the writing on this too! So pretty!! You are an artist through and through! Get ready for Christmas now!! Can’t wait for you to come up north to celebrate!! Keep making such wonderful artwork! Grandpa and I love seeing what you can do!! Love and hugs!
- Gran and gramps on January 30, 2025
Joy to the world!! What a beautiful picture Jackson! Love the writing on this too! So pretty!! You are an artist through and through! Get ready for Christmas now!! Can’t wait for you to come up north to celebrate!! Keep making such wonderful artwork! Grandpa and I love seeing what you can do!! Love and hugs!
- Gran and gramps on January 30, 2025
And beautiful in pink also!! Love your work, love you!
- Grandma And Grandpa on January 30, 2025
Hey Jackson, the artist! Love this! I did send a comment on here before not sure where it went! Love the colors…love butterflies! Keep making beautiful artwork for Gramps and I to enjoy!! Love you?!
- Grandma And Grandpa on January 30, 2025
Ohhh love the pink too!! You were busy!! Beautiful!
- Gram and Gramps on October 31, 2024
Relief paint making…how’d you do this? Love the colors! Butterflies are so pretty fitting around the flowers!! Bet you have a lot at your house! This is such a nice picture! You truly are an artist!! Keep working hard…making beautiful artwork for Gramps and I to totally enjoy looking at! Love and hugs!!
- Gram and Gramps on October 31, 2024
I am imagining you fishing off that boat! What a beautiful scene! You are a very good artist! Keep drawing and painting and making beautiful artwork! You are so talented! We love seeing your work! Keep working hard! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on September 18, 2024
How cool are YOU Jackson John!! Loving all the things you enjoy…you are a busy young man!! Keep having fun…enjoying your friends…doing the things that make you smile…make you!! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on September 18, 2024
Solomon’s Temple…very, very nice! You do such good detail work Jackson! Was this hard to do? You are getting to the end of your Sixth grade already! Maybe one more project…then summer! You need to keep drawing your beautiful pictures…love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 17, 2023
Nice work Jackson! The crown of thorns..Maundy Thursday to Good Friday…Holy Saturday and then the celebration of Easter Sunday! Keep working hard! Love your artwork! Love and hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on April 5, 2023
Jackson Coat of Arms….wow…we love it! Liking your colors and the design of it!! You are such a good artist! Keep having fun ..keep working hard! Love and hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 15, 2023
Roman portrait! Just wow! Would you like to have lived way back then? Wearing sandals and robes…very nice job! Fun using shaving cream too, bet your room did smell good!! Keep having fun and working hard! Grandpa and I really enjoy your artwork! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 1, 2023
Who lay to rest….this is a beautiful song and a beautiful piece of art! Do you like this song too? Are you getting ready for Christmas? You will have to sing some songs when we see you at Christmas. Keep making wonderful artworks! You are very talented and we are very proud of you! Keep working hard Jackson! Love and many hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on December 14, 2022
So if I read this right this is your name?? The c and the k have the same symbol? You used coffee to stain your paper…cool project! Was it fun? Keep making very cool projects! Have fun! Love you, work hard!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 16, 2022
So Jackson…so this is on your cave…what else would you draw there? Very cool bull! Keep up the great work…very nice pictures! Have fun! Love you!
- Love and hugs Grandma and Grandpa on November 2, 2022
WOW I want to visit you here…good details…did this take long to do? Love seeing the work you do! Keep up the great work! Love you!
- Love and hugs…Grandma and Grandpa on October 19, 2022
Nice origami…was that hard? Cuteness!
- Love Grandma and Grandpa..and a BIG hug! on October 19, 2022
Hey Jackson…what’s your dog’s name? Did the tree fall or did you cut it? Get it cut up for Grandpa great to burn this winter! It was so cold this morning..frost on the pumpkins! Glad you caught a big one…you do love fishing…love you..keep making beautiful pictures!!
- Love Grandma and Grandpa..and a BIG hug! on October 19, 2022
Oh Jackson! You did such a beautiful job on this! The colors and different textures of the beans and peas…you should find a place in your room to hang it up. So another year is done…we are very proud of all of your work in the fifth grade! On to sixth grade! Love and many hugs to you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on May 25, 2022
Roar……who is this cheetah after? He sure is a big guy…long and lean! Would you like to see one in person? I’d be afraid!! Keep up the beautiful work you do in art class! Love and many hugs from gramps and me!!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 23, 2022
The Olympics are over, they go way too fast and such fun to watch! What was your favorite event? You skiing at Kettlebowl getting ready to compete in 2032 Olympics …wonder where they will be held in the world! Keep making beautiful artwork! We love seeing it! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 3, 2022
So cool! Feel like I’m there! Just like Kettlebowl gramps says! Love your colors and detail Jackson! Great job! Keep having fun in art class!! Love you.
- Gram and Gramps on February 9, 2022
Oh how pretty Jackson!! Love the colors you used!! Keep making beautiful pictures…enjoy your art time! Keep making such wonderful pictures…looking forward to many more this school year!! Love and hugs!
- Grandma and Grandpa on November 3, 2021
Pretty cool Jackson! I see the three ships now! Maybe you can visit New York City sometime! I went there years ago with my three brothers…we took a boat out of the harbor and visited the statue..remind me to show you the pictures! Like the colors you used! Keep having fun in art class! I know you love it!
- Grandma and Grandpa on October 13, 2021
This looks awfully familiar Jackson! You got to do two pictures? Cool colors... keep up the great work...we are very proud of you
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 25, 2020
Take off!! To the moon! How would you like to visit the moon some day Jackson? We like your picture...what else do you see through that telescope? Stars? Planets? What is the symbol on your spaceship? Keep making cool pictures for us to enjoy! Love you!
- Grandma And Grandpa on March 25, 2020
Nice Potter ram! Why is it called Potter? I surely can tell you really enjoy art class! Keep working hard and having fun in art you Jackson!
- Grandma and Grandpa on March 25, 2020
A the would you like to live back then? I know you would like to ride a horse! Keep having fun in class-making very cool pictures! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 5, 2020
Great job looks like a real farm says Grandpa!! It is so very neat and work very hard! We can tell you enjoy your art class! Keep up the great work you do! Love you!
- Grandma and Grandpa on February 5, 2020
Chumash rock will have to tell us the story behind this! Back in the caveman days...what is the story you are telling? Great colors...great picture! Work you!
- Grandma on November 7, 2019
Coolest helmet ever...Great work again Jackson! Gramps and I surely enjoy your artwork! Keep working hard...having fun! Love you!
- Grandma on November 7, 2019
I love your dog, does he have a name? Was that fun working with clay. Now you have summer vacation....enjoy! Love you! -- Grandma Sue
- on July 11, 2019
What a pretty colorful egg Jackson! Reminds Grandma of Spring and after this long, hard Winter I am ready for warm weather and flowers! Can't believe you are almost done with another year of school! Keep working hard and making beautiful pictures and artwork- you do so well! Love and hugs to you! -- Sue
- on May 29, 2019
Here comes Peter Cottontail......hopping down the bunny trail! That is the cutest bunny Jackson and I love all of the beautiful spring flowers! Happy Easter Jackson! Love you, Grandma and Grandpa.
- on April 3, 2019
Silver and gold! Wow, this is really pretty Jackson!! Did you have real leaves to use? Again, you did a very good job! You do love art and it shows by how well you always do! Keep up the great work! Love you! -- Grandma
- on February 20, 2019
I love birds and I love birch did another great job Jackson! Grandpa and I always love to see your beautiful artwork! Keep up the wonderful job you are doing in art class! We love you! -- Grandma S
- on February 11, 2019
Merry Christmas Jackson! I love the colors in the sky...and the starry night or is it snowing? Hoping you have the best Christmas ever! Will see you soon, safe travels! I love you! -- Grandma S
- on January 2, 2019
The Panther mobile....good imagination Jackson! Just how fast can this thing go? Where are you going to drive to? I love seeing the sunshine, it has been way too long since it has been out here in Merrill! It is -10 below zero with the windchill today! Another great piece of artwork, Jackson! Keep working hard and having fun! Love you! -- Grandma S
- on January 2, 2019
This is coooooooooool Jackson! When I worked at school I helped students make something like this. We traced their hands and made lines close together across their whole hand and it made it look like it "popped" off the page. This is a lot like that...lots of work! I like seeing your "J's"- and swirls - I bet it took a long time to do. Looks great! You are an artist! Love you! -- Grandma S
- on November 7, 2018
We had SNOW on our mailbox this morning...we need to be able to enjoy leaves like your picture before snow! I love purple so I love this picture...good choice of colors....HAPPY FALL JACKSON! -- Grandma
- on October 17, 2018
This would be a great picture to give to your mom for Valentine's Day Jackson! She would love it! -- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
Whoooooo whooooooo whoooooo's your night friend? You had one in your garage....remember!! Good work! -- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
I bet a couple of frogs would like to land on these! Ribbit ribbit ..... -- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
Such a cute cat.....just like you! MEOW!! I love the colors and I love you! Keep up the great work! -- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
WOW I sure wouldn't want THIS guy in my house! You did a great job! You are quite the artist! I bet you are sooooooo happy to have art class again! Love you! -- Grandma
- on October 10, 2018
What a great advent picture showing the light for all of us to are a very talented boy! We love you! Work hard- always listen! Love you!! -- Grandma S
- on January 4, 2017
Jackson, what a beautiful picture for a Christmas celebration of the birth of Jesus!! You are quite the little artist and Grandpa and I are very, very proud of your art work. Keep working hard and making wonderful pictures for all to enjoy! Love you! -- Grandma S
- on January 4, 2017
Pretty cool Jackson....looks like a puzzle we need to put together!! Hugs! ?? -- Grandma S
- on October 31, 2016
What a pretty rainbow of colors picture! Love your designs too! Great job! ?? -- Grandma S
- on October 31, 2016
What a beautiful picture! I love the colors you chose! Wish it were spring! ?? -- Grandma S
- on October 31, 2016
Jackson, I love your scary jack-o-lantern! Happy Halloween! Boo! Love you!?? -- Grandma S