Olivia, what a great painting you did of Martin Luther King. You have some of your Nana's artistic ability. Nana and I both really enjoyed it. -- Ron
- on March 30, 2018
Olivia, Papa and Nana love this latest art project just like all of the others. We like the creativity, bold colors that remind of us you. We love you, Papa & Nana. -- Papa&Nana
- on November 4, 2017
Olivia, Papa and I really enjoyed how original and authentic your landscape picture is. Thank you for sharing it with us. We are sooooo proud of you and love you. NANA & PAPA -- NANA
- on May 24, 2017
Olivia, Papa and Nana love your picture of a kitty cat. It has so much creativity we are proud of your artwork and you. -- Ron
- on December 21, 2016
Olivia, I didn't know that I could make a comment so thats why I'm late doing this. As I said yesterday, you sure did a great job. Maybe we have an artist in our midst! I like the colors and the way you put it all together. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandpa -- GrandPa
- on October 13, 2016
Olivia, your art work is so BEAUTIFUL! You know that the ocean is Papa and Nana's favorite place and you did great to help remind us of it in your picture. Papa & Nana are very proud of you. -- PAPA & NANA