Sarah, This is a beautiful painting of the flowers on the farm! -- Linda
- on September 2, 2014
Wow! This piece has drama! Great work. -- Lori
- on August 31, 2014
Amazing job!!!! -- Anonymous
- on July 18, 2013
Nice work! I love the warm rich colors. -- Lori
- on July 18, 2013
Hi, Sarah! I LOVE your artistry, especially the flowers...they remind me of Georgia O'Keeffe's work and I always have been a fan of hers. You create beautiful work...and are very talented. I really enjoy seeing your new creations. The windmill picture is AWESOME! HUGS! -- Terri
- on July 2, 2013
Great point of view! I love your highlights and shadows. So happy to see your work on Artsonia. -- Lori
- on July 2, 2013
Hey there SA3! I am so glad to see you continue with your artwork. I especially like this Girl Power logo. The curved line shows beautiful movement to the center as if it is swirling. Way to go Girly!
- on December 4, 2009
Hi, Sarah - Your flower painting is absolutely gorgeous! I thought it was a photograph at is so beautiful. Keep up the fabulous work - you have such talent! Take care - TERRI
- on November 24, 2009
Absolutely love the flower. It looks real. You are an amazing artist :)
- on November 17, 2009
I love how the flower looks 3D, like you could reach out and touch the petals. GREAT JOB!
- on November 18, 2009
Wow. You did an amazing job. You are an extremely talented artist.
- on July 1, 2008
This is a masterpiece. It seems like the flower has been brought to life! Keep drawing!
- on July 1, 2008
I am so glad to see that you keep working at art! I like the glazing techniques that you used with the pencils. I also like the curved line and movement that you have created. Nice work. I miss you and your zest for learning!
- on June 30, 2008
This horse seems life-like. Que Bueno.-Loren
- on March 31, 2008
Thank you for placing this in Artsonia. I was looking for it just the other day! It is such an accomplished drawing in two point perspective! By the way, I wanted to thank you for the note I received from you. It made my day! I do miss you. Please continue to add artwork to your Artsonia account so that I can watch you grow! You are so talented.
- on January 14, 2008
Hi! All I can say is, "WOW!" I loved looking at your new work. You are very talented and I'm proud of the work you are doing! Thanks for inviting me to view your work! TERRI
- on January 12, 2008
Sarah, This is Aubrey's dad Steve. Nice work on your art! It's fun to see that you do a lot of different art pieces well. Have a great winter!
- on January 12, 2008
I think that I still love this one the best. It looks very realistic and well planned out. You are an overall AMAZING artist. Keep going
- on October 2, 2007
Wow!!!!!!! Even my little sister could tell me that the sketch was Georgia O'Keefe. That is awesome. You are truly a talented artist.
- on May 13, 2007
I love how realistic Georgia O'Keefe's face is. You did an awesome job, especially with the eyes.
- on May 9, 2007
hey Sarah u r so talanted! I wish i could draw like that. it looks like the picture u used as a reference, i love it. -Kelsey
- on May 9, 2007
Wow!!!! That is amazing. You are such an artist Sarah. It looks just like the picture. I love it. - Emily
- on May 4, 2007
I love your newest art piece. I especially like the colors you have chosen out for it. NOsotros vamos a ir al cine. Tu amiga
- on April 19, 2007
I love how realistic your flower is. I like how the purple blends into the white.
- on April 1, 2007
Hi Sarah I really love ur art, and so does Amy!!! she was amazed when she saw it and didnt belive me that u drew it.
- on March 31, 2007
I love the box. You did an awesome job on the flute, especially with all of the keys.
- on March 29, 2007
It's cool how you made the basic color wheel that we are all used to and made it into a more complex design.
- on March 29, 2007
I can definitely tell that this is your house. You did an awesome job drawing the trees especially.
- on March 29, 2007
I think it is cool how you made a few dots make like a cat in a tree. You are a very talented artist.
- on March 29, 2007
I like how you have a variety of pieces in your portfolio. I like how this shows you know how to weave beautiful designs.
- on March 30, 2007
Your painting almost looks real. I really like all of the purple and pinks.
- on March 29, 2007
A cat among catkins---very clever!
- on March 26, 2007
I love this rainy day scene. The stones, the stream, the trees---wonderful!
- on March 26, 2007
Hey Sarah, I love the movement you gave this flower. The colors work very well together. It's AMAZING!
- on March 26, 2007
I like this piece of art work because of its design and color it has in it and of all the spiral shapes it has and it looks like its getting further and further away.
- on March 26, 2007
The peace of art that I am looking at is very colorful. Also the rhythm of the piece of art has a very different detail then any other piece of art that i have seen already so far.
- on March 26, 2007
This artwork is very detailed, and it has a lot of color and Rhythm.
- on March 26, 2007
Your picture shows great depth and perception. I think you did a wonderful job, especially with the pictures on the side and the signs.
- on March 7, 2007
I like how realistic this picture looks. The Lay's potato chips are especially good.
- on February 21, 2007
Nice Design! Your work is impressive!
- on February 21, 2007
I think you did a great job on this picture. I like your use of colors.
- on February 15, 2007
This is a personal favorite of mine. I think you did a great job showing different values to all of the colors.
- on February 15, 2007
Sarah, Your artwork is awesome! I am very, very impressed. You truly have a talent for this. I am proud of you...keep up the great work! TERRI
- on January 25, 2007
That is really awesome!
- on January 19, 2007
This landscape is just breath-taking. I love the play of light on the rain that is falling. It is so fun to see you develop as an artist. You work so hard and all of that work and persistence shows in your projects.
- on November 28, 2006
Hi, This art makes me hungry! You have very good lines and did a good job on the color. The shadowing is good and you used the negative space perfectely.
- on November 1, 2006
The shapes of your candy and chips look realistic. You used a very good variety of colors and details are amazing.
- on November 1, 2006
You did a very good job using your form. I also like the way that the colors look just like they do in real life.
- on November 1, 2006
Sara, your mom told me about this site. It is so neat to be able to access your work. You are a wonderful artist! We are so blessed to have you share your gifts with our students. Your passion for art and kind heart will enhance the lives of those around you. Thank you for sharing. Kim D
- on October 14, 2006
Sarah, This turned out very nice. I especially like the edges - it give character. Nice work, honey! Mom
- on October 14, 2006
Hey, I love your art work!! You have such a great talent.
- on October 2, 2006
Sarah, This is one of my favorite "things" that you have made. I can totally see you going into some sort of graphic design or becoming an artist. You definitely have an artistic ability. Your friend, Amanda
- on September 15, 2006
Yo, That is such a wonderful piece of art work. It is amazing how you can draw. Way to go. God bless you, anonymous
- on September 14, 2006
Wow! Sarah, this is beautiful. You put so much detail into it. I like the contasts. Linda
- on September 12, 2006
Your bluebird is very life-like. You had a very good mix of colors. --Mom
- on June 23, 2006
Sarah this is the best picture I have ever seen of a bluebird. I love it! Your Friend, Ekmilia
- on May 10, 2006
Hey Sarah, I love all your art work, but this is my fav. good job -bff
- on April 29, 2006
This has the symmetry of a butterfly's wings. It has a pattern like a tiger. -Loren
- on May 2, 2006
This brings music to my soul. Your artwork is of the finest colors and tools. Thank you for your inspiration.
- on April 28, 2006
Hey Sarah, I love your art work, and you did you great job.
- on March 29, 2006
Great job! I know who this is.
- on March 15, 2006
Cool stuff - I like it! -- from Dad
- on March 1, 2006
Sarah you did a wonderful job on your artwork. I wish I could draw that well, but as you know i can't. The mixture of colors seems just right for this picture. Great job! -- from so bad at artwork
- on February 5, 2006
You have great artwork. It makes my heart sing. I love how you made it look blurry. It is so beauitful that it would be worth hundreds of dollars. -- from brother
- on July 17, 2005
Your picture is awesome I like how it is divided into pixels. This is one of your greatest arkworks yet. -- from Friend
- on May 4, 2005
Your cubism project is very well done. The background and pepper are done very well when it comes to mixing the colors. I enjoy sseeing your art work. -- from Friend
- on May 4, 2005
You are greater than Picasso. When I see your artwork I hear the chorus of one-thousand angels. -- from Brother
- on May 4, 2005
You are a great artist. I like your work.
- on February 28, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia! -- from Artsonia