Calvin2477's Comments (21)

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Below are comments about Calvin2477's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Oma really like the color of your clay pinch pot, I also like those colorful big eyes! Please continue creating beautiful art. Love your works, please don’t stop creating my dear !
- Mimi on March 25, 2020
Hello Calvin, Oma loves those definite Strong lines and shape that you made to achieve your self portrait. You did a good job and keep chugging!
- Mimi on October 30, 2019
That is one tall cake, what flavor? Love those perspective lines. Must be Very yummy. Oma knows you like to cook and bake,can’t wait to taste your cake.
-- Mimi
- on January 10, 2019
Very impressed with the unusual perception in color and lines, love the three dancing figures. Great job my dear!
-- Mimi
- on December 2, 2018
It is much more sophisticated color this time! Oma Enjoys your paintings very much and please don’t stop painting Calvin! “Chia yu Chia yu” !
-- Mimi
- on April 25, 2018
Reminiscent of Edvard Munch...
-- M
- on April 5, 2018
Love the vivid jewel tone colors! You have a good eyes for colors Calvin, keep Using your favorite colors and create fabulous drawings/paintings. “Chia You Chia You” my handsome boy!
-- Mimi
- on February 21, 2018
That is a strong winter tree. I like it a lot!
-- Mimi
- on December 7, 2017
I like those cheerful pick me up colors in how did the second graders think of shapes and how they connect them. Keep it up and have lots of fun Calvin!
-- Mimi
- on November 23, 2017
I like the bright colors and clean lines. I can see him in the picture!
-- Mimi
- on October 18, 2017
Like the color combinations very much, very bold and bright ! Keep it up my cucu.
-- Mimi
- on October 12, 2017
Great job Calvin!! I love the color! thank you for sharing, Shelly
-- Shelly
- on October 12, 2017
I like the fresh color of the landscape plus its inhabitants, the details is incredible!
-- Mimi
- on March 29, 2017
Still love The painting and it's vibrant color After numerous times looking at it.
-- Mimi
- on February 15, 2017
It is very colorful and beautiful. It conveys beautiful thoughts to the person viewing it. Keep up the good work!
-- Cliff
- on February 15, 2017
Great color and understanding of geometric shapes. Better than some architects that I know!
-- cliff
- on January 18, 2017
Calvin, your artwork is very good!! I especially like your use of colors, the blue is my favorite. The smiling sun is great!
-- Shelly
- on January 18, 2017
Beautiful combination value of night colors with A sliver of white moon. Good job my Calvin. Keep painting and drawing my dear.
-- Mimi
- on January 18, 2017
Bold color and Modern!
-- Mimi
- on December 21, 2016
Good coloring and imagination.
-- Mimi
- on December 21, 2016
I like this website, looks like this is the only artwork list so far, is there any other recent artworks?
-- Mimi
- on December 21, 2016