Madison31378's Comments (43)

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Below are comments about Madison31378's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very nice honey!! I love it! Mom
- Amber (Mother) on January 20, 2023
Interesting use of chalk. All the muted tones make a neat use of chalk.
- Grandma Jean on January 25, 2023
Madison, he is a cute llama. I like his head, especially his eyes and ears. I'm glad you got to work with paper mache. Grandma Jean
- Jean on January 25, 2023
Madison that is adorable!! I love it! Great job!! Love, Mom
- Amber (Mother) on January 19, 2023
This is AMAZING!!! Love it!! There’s a lot of math in it too! -DAD
- Dad on December 14, 2022
Love the bees and the Jack Be Little pumpkins!! You are quite an artist! - Dad
- Dad on December 14, 2022
Madison- Your bee is adorable!! I love the little pumpkins and honeycombs you made to go with it! Great job! Love, Mom
- Amber (Mother) on December 6, 2022
I LOVE this painting!!!! You know that cardinals are my favorite!! I can't wait to put this up in the house. It's absolutely awesome!!
- Dad on November 28, 2022
Oh my. Nice drawing and coloring of the can. Don’t think I’d be too anxious to drink the contents.
- Grandma Jean on November 28, 2022
This is very creative honey! You know I would love it because I love my Cherry Coke!!
- Amber on November 28, 2022
I love this drawing Madison! You did a great job! Love, Mom
- Amber on November 28, 2022
This guy s a really cool piece honey!
- Amber (Mother) on October 12, 2022
I love it Madison! Great job!
- Amber (Mother) on October 12, 2022
Wow, he looks ferocious! All the pastels in the background bring out his eyes and mouth. Nice use of colors. Grandma
- Jean on October 12, 2022
This is one of my favorites! I love the 3D!!
- Blaine(fan) on October 12, 2022
Love the various colors in this artwork.
- Grandma Jean on October 12, 2022
Nice looking work Madison. I like all the various patterns!
- Grandma Jean on October 12, 2022
Beautiful Madison! I love it!!
- Amber on September 28, 2022
Madison, this is AWESOME!!! I love all the colors!
- Dad on September 28, 2022
Wow! What is the name for this painting? I like the colors, especially the royal blue, and the green strip across the middle.
- Grandma B. on February 19, 2020
Madison, I love your use of color and shapes in this art work. You are very talented. Keep up the good work. Love, Momk
- Kim on January 9, 2020
I really like this picture, Madison. Especially the color teal.
- Jean on October 23, 2019
Your gargoyle looks as if he is friendly. I love the color of him. I would like to see him when you eventually get to take him home.
-- Grandma Jean
- on March 13, 2019
Yes, you did a good job at weaving. It looks as if it was a fun project!
-- Grandma Jean
- on March 13, 2019
Great job on this art project. I bet your dad liked the colors you picked. Keep up the good work!
-- Momo
- on March 13, 2019
Beautiful job Madison! I love your creativity! Love, Mom
-- Amber
- on November 27, 2018
Madison, this is a really neat piece of artwork , I really like the pastels colors in the background With the black in front. Grandma Jean
-- Jean
- on November 27, 2018
Wow! So this is a llama. I like the animal and his colorful background. Do you think this is the Delilah Lama that we tease Hunter about?
-- Grandma Jean
- on November 19, 2018
I really like your turtle, Madison. I sent you a postcard with it's picture. Hope you like it.
-- Grandma Jean
- on November 19, 2018
Madison, Papa and Momo really like your turtle! Nice work!
-- Papa & Momo
- on October 24, 2018
Great art work Madison! Love the colors you chose. Momo
-- Kim
- on March 14, 2018
Nice work, Madison. I like the use of various colors on the blue background.
-- Grandma Jean
- on January 24, 2018
I really like all the colors in this picture, Madison. I also see a flower and a long sock. You did a fantastic job on this picture.
-- Grandma Jean
- on February 23, 2017
I really like your textured heart picture, Madison. It looks as if you had a good time using various colored tissue paper to make you picture.
-- Grandma Jean
- on February 23, 2017
I love your pink picture, Madison. I like your house, clouds and sun. Keep up the good work!
-- Jean
- on January 11, 2017
Nicely done, Madison! I like your use of squares, triangles, rectangles and even a circle.o
-- Grandma B
- on December 1, 2016
Nice work, Madison. I love how you used all the shapes!
-- Jean
- on November 5, 2016
Well done Madison! I love it!
-- Amber
- on November 4, 2016
I LOVE it! Great job Madison!
-- Daddy
- on November 4, 2016
I love all the colors, Madison. You did a great job!
-- Grandma B
- on November 1, 2016
Beautiful artwork!
-- Kim
- on October 19, 2016
Very colorful and beautiful!!!
-- Daddy
- on October 18, 2016
Beautiful Madison!
-- Amber
- on October 18, 2016