Vaibhav49's Comments (6)

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Below are comments about Vaibhav49's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Excellent art, Vaibhav. The masaic work is brilliant. Looks three dimensional. Keep it up.
-- Venkatasubramanian
- on May 16, 2018
Super art work, indeed! Missing 3, but why?
- on June 14, 2017
Good work, Vaibhav. The colours are vibrant. Keep it up and improving. Good luck. Practice makes a man perfect.
- on May 3, 2017
Excellent, Vaibhav. Good attempt to fill the colours within the boundaries. I think with more input from Teachers and parents he should be in a position to master the art of colouring, soon. Good luck with colours, Vaibhav.
-- Mani
- on October 19, 2016
Excellent Vaibhav! Great job Mr. Henson!
-- Mom
- on October 19, 2016
Awesome! Great work by Vaibhav and Mr. Henson. Vaibhav clearly likes the secondary color orange.
-- Mom
- on October 11, 2016