Gavin62's Comments (25)

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Below are comments about Gavin62's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Gavin love the art work! Great job! Mrs. Waldeck
- on May 31, 2007
Go Gavin it's your Birthday - Great project for your Birthday. Happy 11th Birthday Gavin. Have a great day!
- on May 14, 2007
G Your project is bright like the spring day we are having today. Keep up the good work. Luv, Dad
- on May 10, 2007
Gavin~ Great to see some additions to your art portfolio in your final year at Colonial. Very colorful! Keep having fun. xoxo Mom
- on May 9, 2007
Very cool Gavin.
- on May 8, 2007
we are raptured by gavin's raptor GP/GM
-- from larry/barbara
- on February 5, 2006
Gavin, Great artwork! We are looking foward to the next creation.
-- from Grandpa and Grandma N
- on February 5, 2006
Nice artwork son. Keep up the good work.
-- from Dad
- on January 17, 2006
Perfect picture for the dorm. Thanks G.
-- from Britt
- on January 17, 2006
This website is a wonderful place to see your artwork and others from CRS and around the world. Amazing art work! We love you Gavin!
-- from Mom
- on January 17, 2006
This will be a good one for a picture frame. Keep up the good work. xoxo
-- from Dad
- on January 18, 2006
Way cool Gavin. Is this Star Wars?
-- from Andrew
- on January 17, 2006
Great Job brother! :)
-- from Big Bro
- on January 17, 2006
This is the best one yet! I love it!
-- from Uncy Scott
- on January 16, 2006
You picture makes us look forward to opening day June 25. Best wishes for a safe and happy summer.
-- from OBSCI
- on May 6, 2005
I really like you art.
-- from Leah
- on April 13, 2005
Outrageous art work Gavin.
-- from Brother James
- on April 13, 2005
Dear Gavin, You are such a wonderful artist! I love your picture! Thank you for being a wonderful kid and friend Sincerly Kate
-- from Kate
- on March 30, 2005
Wow Gav! Great art! I really liked the colors you used in the ocean/fish picture!
-- from Deb Calvano
- on March 30, 2005
Gavin you are very talented. I really love all of the colors, keep up the good work!
-- from aunt darla
- on March 27, 2005
Gavin, This is awesome. It must have been hard to do this on the computer. You did a great job! Very nice.
-- from The Mulloys
- on March 27, 2005
Gavin - You are a budding artist. Keep up the good work and keeping drawing, painting, coloring! We are so proud of you. Love Dad and Mom (Nick, Mariah, James & Britt too)
-- from Mama
- on March 27, 2005
Wow Gavin!!!!! You chose great colors!!! Your hard work on this really shows!!! I am so proud of you!!!! Good for you!!!
-- from Aunt Sherri
- on March 24, 2005
Keep up the good work Gavin - We love it
-- from Mom and Dad
- on March 24, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on March 24, 2005