William21689's Comments (38)

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Below are comments about William21689's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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William, your art work with faces and expressions like happy, board, sick and excited and cute is wonderful. My favorites are cute and happy. I hope ypu continue to make expressive faces all summer! Michele
-- Michele
- on June 20, 2018
Dear William, I love this piece of your artwork. Your faces are so expressive. You really capture a different expression in each face. I could never have made such a piece with the faces looking so varied. I hope you have received the mugs (with the mosaic "C" on them ) and the magnet with this art work on it by now. Love,
-- Bonnie
- on June 6, 2018
William, I really like your color combinations on your mosaic! Your "C"stands out and is complimented by the other colors. You are a very creative artist. We are proud of you! Mimi
-- Michele
- on May 16, 2018
I love the bright colors with black. Good job! Libby
-- Libby
- on May 9, 2018
Wow, William!! This piece is terrific!! I really love it! I love the design, the color, and the feel of whole piece!!! This is one of my favorites of all of your pieces!!
-- Bonnie
- on May 2, 2018
Nice C for Cannon! Love, Mommy
-- Natalie
- on April 25, 2018
William, your drawing will make a lot of people want to travel to see more of the universe. Good job!
-- Libby
- on March 28, 2018
Willie, I love this one!
-- Mommy
- on March 23, 2018
William, I think your artwork about space and the solar system is fascinating. I am having fun deciding what you were depicting with the various pictured planets, etc. Your wonderful imagination shines through in this piece of art! It is fun to look at & observe!
-- Bonnie
- on March 23, 2018
William, your garden is beautiful. I love the pink rose.
-- Libby
- on December 27, 2017
I love the way you made the boarder on this one, Willie!
-- Mommy
- on November 29, 2017
Dear William, Naturally I thought of Valentine's Day when I viewed this piece of yours. Red is a favorite color so of course this use of red appeals to me!! It also reminds me of how I love Texas with the cactus, fish and the hearts!!
-- Bonnie
- on November 29, 2017
Hi, William, This work of art reminds me of Native Americans!!! I wonder what you were thinking of when you composed this piece of art? I also like this warm colors in this work.
-- Bonnie
- on November 29, 2017
Dear William, You made a gorgeous use of color in this work of art!!! WOW!! Congratulations!! This is a beautiful "knock your socks off " piece!!!
-- Bonnie
- on November 29, 2017
William, I love your beautiful fall colors. You must be proud of your work. I am so glad it is published and Cameron and I get to see it. I hope you continue!
- on November 2, 2017
Dear William, What a beautiful Fall Collage. Your gorgeous combination of colors would brighten anyone's day. Have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN tomorrow!!
- on November 2, 2017
William, your art work is so interesting! It makes me think of your neighborhood with winding and curving streets. I can not wait to have you tell me about your artwork and what you were thinking of when you drew it. Mimi
- on October 4, 2017
Love this, William! Great attention and details!!
-- Annana
- on October 4, 2017
Hi, William, I think your art work on highways is really interesting, intricate and fun to see. I am truly impressed!!! Love, Aunt Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on September 27, 2017
William, the colors and design on your new artwork are wonderful. You are very creative. I like the way you put the colors side by side in your design. I am so glad you enjoy art and being creative. It's great hobby and you have so much talent. --Mimi
- on May 24, 2017
Willie, this one looks kind of like the monster truck coloring page you made for Daddy - I love it! It must have taken a lot of focus and patience to place the pieces in concentric circles like that. I bet it was fun to rip it into pieces too! Love you & your creative work!
-- Mommy
- on May 11, 2017
Wow, this is cool!
-- Mommy
- on May 10, 2017
LOVE your work here, Willie! I bet the bee and butterfly will really enjoy visiting those beautiful flowers. The one next to the rose looks like flowers we saw at the Wildflower Center. I also love the clover in the grass and the sky behind.
-- Mommy
- on May 3, 2017
-In my opinion, William, this is your BEST painting that I have seen! Wow what a beautiful piece. I have ordered a print for us! Congratulations!! Love, Bonnie
- on May 3, 2017
Wow. William!! I am so impressed with the portrait you have composed. I could never have done that at your age. You are so talented in art . I think this is a very advanced piece !!
-- Bonnie
- on April 5, 2017
Dear William, I love your use of color and shapes. You use of space is wonderful too. This is a very inviting happy piece. I am going to order some items that have this beautiful work on them. Love, Bonnie
-- Bonnie
- on March 15, 2017
This is a wonderful. I like how many animals you included. I hope you continue making wonderful creations. --Mimi
- on February 15, 2017
I like all the interesting animals included. We are so very proud of your wonderful art work. --PopPop
- on February 15, 2017
Hi, William, This is terrific. I love your monochromatic animals, their shapes, and the spacing. Your use of color, shape and space is thoughtful. I wish I had one tenth of your talent at your age! --Aunt Bonnie
- on February 15, 2017
William, I love the beautiful color combinations you choose for your art work. You are very talented. I am very proud of the results from your hard and careful work. --Mimi
- on January 25, 2017
Beautiful job!! I like the colors you used. It is bright and cheerful.
-- Annana
- on January 25, 2017
Dear William, I think your use of color and space is so appealing and unique. This brightens my day!! Love, Aunt Bonnie
- on January 25, 2017
We love this piece of art. The colors, forms, and composition are remarkable. What an uplifting piece it is!! We ordered it in the mug, coasters, postcards, and magnets.
-- Bonnie
- on January 2, 2017
William, Grampy and Grammy love your artwork. The colors are bright and contrast is great. Like the use of black accents.
- on November 8, 2016
Hi, William, I think you are the next Frank Stella!! What a terrific use of color, geometrics and space!!! You have a huge talent! Keep developing it!!! Love, Aunt Bonnie
- on November 8, 2016
Great work, William. I can tell you worked very hard!!
-- Ann
- on October 19, 2016
The way you plotted the squares and rectangles is very interesting! I can tell that you were working hard and carefully to fill in the spaces with color, and I like your bold color choices.
-- Mommy
- on October 19, 2016
I love the color choices and careful painting inside the circles!
-- Mommy
- on October 19, 2016