What a great job you did. That's a lot of hard cutting. Love you! -- Gaga
- on June 12, 2017
Love your schoolhouse! Good work, love you! Gram & Gramp
- on June 7, 2017
I love your hermit crab. It looks like the ones we saw this weekend on the boardwalk. -- Gaga
- on May 31, 2017
Wow - this looks just like the hermit crabs we saw this weekend at the Boardwalk! I love the color of his shell. We love you! -- Sharon & Daddy
- on May 30, 2017
Hey, that's your school! Did you cut all those pieces out yourself? What a great job! We are so proud of you! Love, -- Sharon and Daddy
- on May 29, 2017
What a beautiful butterfly! Love, Aunt Kara, Uncle Nick, Ashlyn and Austin
- on May 25, 2017
That is a very pretty butterfly, Olivia. You are such a good artist. -- Gaga
- on May 25, 2017
I love your ladybug in nature! Insects have 6 legs like your ladybug. Good job! -- Aunt Laura
- on May 10, 2017
You sure made a cute ladybug. I like all his spots. Love, Gaga -- Gaga
- on May 10, 2017
What a great ladybug. I love ladybugs! We love you! Daddy and Sharon. -- Sharon
- on May 1, 2017
Olivia. I love your ladybug in the grass! Good work.love. Gram &. Gramp -- Grandma
- on May 1, 2017
Ashlyn likes your picture and wants to know what the bird's names are :) -- Ashlyn
- on March 14, 2017
Hi Olivia love your birds they remind me that spring is coming soon??Lovegram&gramp -- Grandma trudy
- on March 8, 2017
Hi. Olivia love your birds they remind me that spring is almost here??Love gram&gramp -- Grandma trudy
- on March 8, 2017
Hi. Olivia love your birds they remind that spring is almost here??Love gram&gramp???? -- Grandma trudy
- on March 8, 2017
I like your colorful birds. They look like a blue jay, a goldfinch and a cardinal. Another great job! -- Gaga
- on March 8, 2017
Olivia, I love your new drawing and the beautiful colors you used! You are a great artist!! -- Aunt Lisa
- on March 8, 2017
Olivia, I love your new painting! Great Job! You are a great artist!! -- Aunt Lisa
- on March 8, 2017
good work on your snowman and your color wheel??Love gram&gramp -- Grandma trudy
- on March 2, 2017
Beautiful color wheel! -- Gaga
- on March 1, 2017
Love this color wheel! What color do you get when you mix blue and yellow? Tell me Friday! -- Aunt Laura
- on March 1, 2017
This is so nice! I love purple and penguins. Paulie loves it, too! -- Aunt Laura
- on December 21, 2016
I love your penguin especially the purple scarf & ear muffs good work!?? -Grandma Trudy
- on December 21, 2016
Penguins are my favorite animal, and I LOVE this purple penguin! I think Paulie and James really loved receiving this at their birthday party! Love you! Sharon -- Sharon
- on December 12, 2016
A penguin with your favorite color scarf and ear muffs! Nice work, Olivia! Love Gaga -- Gaga
- on December 12, 2016
we liked your snowman art. Good work Olivia! Love you, Gram & Gramp
- on November 20, 2016
A snowman! I like her long eyelashes. I bet you can't wait until it snows and you can build a real snowman. See you soon! -- Gaga
- on November 20, 2016
What a wonderful snowman! I love the purple hat. Great job! I hope we get to build a snowman this winter. -- Sharon
- on November 19, 2016
Daddy and I love your turkey and pumpkin. It makes us think of Thanksgiving, which we can't wait to spend together as a family. -- Sharon
- on November 5, 2016
I like your colorful picture. It is hard to cut out circles and you did a great job! -- Gaga
- on November 5, 2016
What a great pumpkin and turkey. Gobble gobble! -- Gaga
- on November 5, 2016
Hi Olivia. We love your Thanksgivng place mate??Good work! Love. Gram&. Gramp -- Grandma Trudy
- on November 5, 2016
This looks really fun! Daddy and I both like red apples best! -- Sharon
- on October 10, 2016
I love you, Olivia, and I want to paint these apples with you too! Great Job! Love, Ashlyn -- Ashlyn
- on October 10, 2016
I love your apples. My favorite apple to eat are the yellow ones. Next time I see you let me know what color apple is your favorite. Love, Gaga -- Gaga
- on October 10, 2016
Hi Olivia, your apple art is beautiful. Good Work! Love you!! -- Grandma & Grandpa
- on October 10, 2016
Great job creating these apples, Olivia! My favorite colored apple is green. What is yours? -- Aunt Laura
- on October 10, 2016
Love your art work! Great job! -- Aunt Lori
- on October 10, 2016
We love you Olivia, and can't wait to see more artwork! -- Sharon