Emma I love the ladybugs !!! Great job! -- Renee(mom)
- on May 10, 2017
Awesome crab! Your so talented! -- Mom (Renee)
- on May 10, 2017
This snowman is so adorable! -- Renee
- on March 16, 2017
Good shading Emma ! -- Renee
- on March 16, 2017
I love all the colors! -- Renee
- on March 16, 2017
Great job! -- Renee
- on March 16, 2017
Great colors emma love ?? you mom and dad -- Renee
- on February 8, 2017
Dear Emma, I enjoy looking at your beautiful artwork. Your are a very talented little girl! I look forward to seeing more of your artwork. Love Nana?? He is the cutest penguin and i love his green scarf!!Great job! -- Joan