Mommy loves how creative you are Christi. We are so proud of you all the time. -- Vanessa
- on May 11, 2017
I love your 3D bear and your creativity. Mommy loves you and very rough of you. -- Vanessa
- on March 7, 2017
Great job, I can't wait to see it turn into a butterfly. -- Mike
- on November 21, 2016
great job baby keep up the good job! love you!! -- dad
- on November 15, 2016
What a beautiful picture ! I love it ! Great job Christi, colors are beautiful ! -- Tio Joe
- on November 15, 2016
Wow, amazing artwork Christi. You are very creative. Can't wait to see your next art picture. -- Tia Emma
- on November 15, 2016
Great job Christi ! Keep up the good work ! I can tell you really love to draw . Tio Joe -- Joe
- on November 15, 2016
I loved the bright colors you used. The blue sky was my favorite. -- Nino
- on October 5, 2016
Christi, I love the creativity you have as an artist. I can tell you took your time, added color, detail and your picture POPS with fun! Great Job Christi! Love, Tia B -- Bridgit