Hi Sophie, this is Ba. Your artwork is awsome. Ba love it. Keep on your good job. I'm so proud of you. -- Dao
- on November 8, 2017
Hi Sophie, I love the colors in this artwork. You did a good job on create this art. I'm going to get a T-shirt for myself Love, Ba - Dao -- Dao
- on July 15, 2017
Hi Sophie, I love the colors in this art work. How did you create this piece? I already have the snap art of this for my bracelet. Love, Grandma -- Sherry
- on June 19, 2017
Great map Sophie. You have included so many details. I'm anxious to have you tell me about your map and to add this to my bracelet!! Love, Grandma K. -- Sherry
- on March 22, 2017
This is so cute, Sophie. Did you give her a name? How about Rosie!! Grandma K. -- Sherry
- on January 4, 2017
Sophie this picture is amazing. Great angles to show the position of the two fish. -- Grandma Kopesky
- on November 3, 2016
Sophie I love the pretty bright colors on your caterpillar. Are they made out of clay? -- Grandma Sherry
- on November 3, 2016
Sophie did a good job on her artwork. I really enjoy and actually I ordered T shirt with her artwork on it. -- Dao,
- on November 3, 2016
Very delicate representation of the details of the caterpillar - A masterpiece at the minimum. -- GpK
- on November 3, 2016
Sophie this picture is amazing. I love the way the little fish looks just like it is in the bigger fishes' mouth. -- Grandma Sherry