Looks like a great camping spot.beauitful flower field!!!
- Diana on January 15, 2020
Blue eyes and yellow hair NICE.....
- Diana on January 15, 2020
Looks like the lady is going to burst out singing!!!!
- Diana on January 15, 2020
Miss Darcy,WOW LOVE YOUR NEW ARTWORK?? It makes one feel so very Happy????
- Diana on January 15, 2020
Keep up the wonderful imagination you have Darcy! Such a creative young lady you are!!
- Diana on October 23, 2019
Such a cool project! I love the colors, shapes, and the cutout adds really neat depth. I love this one! -- Ryan
- on May 10, 2019
Are these Cape Town colors? The variety of roof designs add interest to your urban scene. -- Grandma Dianne
- on December 28, 2018
Darcy Grandpa and I have always admired your creativity. The colors you have chosen for each piece compliment each other. Your designs are unique. -- Grandma Dianne
- on December 28, 2018
Hi! Wow,wow! Love your awesome picture! Papa and I are so so proud of you. Keep it up. Can't wait to see your next work of art! Squeeze's&Smooches???? GRAMA -- Diana (Grama)
- on December 5, 2018
Cool! :-) These look like keyholes. Or flames. Or flaming keyholes. Such a neat project! -- Ryan
- on November 27, 2018
I love this! What cool colors and shapes -- it's both vibrant and spooky at the same time. :-) -- Ryan
- on November 20, 2018
I love this! Thanks so much for sharing the link with me. I hadn't seen the first two years of projects online -- only in person when they came home. This is terrific! -- Ryan