Mason15727's Comments (55)

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Below are comments about Mason15727's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Moo, Somehow I missed this one when it first came out. I love it and will ask Ou-Ou to get some mugs with this printed on them. You are an exceptional artist-among your many other talnts! Love Poppy M
- Marty on May 18, 2022
Hi Moo, Great to see your new artwork. The "V" also reminds me of Villanova. GO 'CATS ! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to see your next masterpiece. Love Poppy M
- Marty on May 18, 2022
Mason, you are an amazing artist and so talented. Ou-Ou is so proud of you. Happy Painting! ??
- Ou-Ou on May 18, 2022
Oh my goodness! I absolutely love this drawing of Mason, the scientist. The details in this picture are terrific! I love the scissors and shot in your pocket. I also noticed the reflection of light in your eyeglasses! You are a wonderful artist, Mason! Keep up the good work!??
- Janet on May 18, 2022
Hey Moo, Love the Alien Landscape artwork. You have a good blend of aliens, planets and their spaceship. Looks like you included the big Dipper too. Cool. Great job-once again. Hope you are doing a Christmas picture soon. Love you. Poppy
- Marty on May 18, 2022
Hi Moo, Another masterpiece. A scary green Frankenstein and you included all the right details as usual. Keep up the great work. I'll have to buy a coffee cup for my collection of your artwork. Love Poppy Marty
- Marty on May 18, 2022 just keep getting better and better! Love your Halloween monster! I wish I had some of your artistic talent! I can only draw stick figures! We love you! Ma and Poppy
- Janet on May 18, 2022
WOW, Mason! This is my absolute favorite! You are so, so talented!!! This is the cutest giraffe I have ever seen! I guess he likes football as much as you do. Keep up the great work! Love, Ma
-- Janet
- on May 18, 2022
Hi Moo, Amazing job. I love the shirt that you put on the bear. It reminds me of a Madras shirt I had when I was younger. You are a very good artist and I love getting to see your new creations. Keep up the good work. I love you. Poppi
-- Marty
- on May 18, 2022
I love this little bear, Mason! His shirt is so colorful! You have really become a very good artist. Keep up the great work. I really enjoy seeing what you are creating in art class!???Ma
-- Janet
- on May 18, 2022
What an adorable snowman you created! Is his name Frosty? I hope we get some snow so you can build a snowman that looks just like this one. I love his purple hat and his green and red scarf. Great job, Mason! Love, Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on May 18, 2022
This is your best artwork ever!!! I love this little Elf on the Shelf! You have such wonderful detail in your drawing. You even included your favorite toy....your little train. You just keep getting better and better! Christmas is almost here. I bet you and Amelia can’t wait! Love, Ma????
-- Janet
- on May 18, 2022
Hi Moo, I love your picture of the cat---I know it must be Ruby for obvious reasons, even though it has a striped tail. Keep up the great work. Your artistic talents are a very good complement to your football talents. Love you. Poppi
-- Marty
- on May 18, 2022
WOW!!! You just keep getting better and better! I love this little cat drawing. Could her name be Ruby? You really did a great job! Can’t wait to se3 your next creation! Love, Ma
-- Ma
- on May 18, 2022
Hey Moo, Another great picture. The pizzeria is a good touch--is it Angelo's? You are quite the artist. I am sure that we will see your work in museums very soon. Keep up the good work. I love you. Poppy Marty
-- Marty
- on April 11, 2018
You just keep getting, better and better. I love your starry night picture! Of course you included a pizzeria in your drawing! Did you learn about the famous artist, Vincent Van Gogh? We really enjoy seeing your artwork! Love, Ma ???
-- Janet
- on March 21, 2018
Hi, Mason! That is the cutest little bear I have ever seen! He looks like he is smiling at me. It is so much fun for us to see what you are creating in art class. You are a very talented little artist! We can’t wait to see you next week in Florida! ??? Ma
-- Janet
- on March 21, 2018
Hi Moo, Great job--another masterpiece. I really love the little smiley-face in the top right part of the picture----nice touch. I love you---keep up the good work. Poppy
-- Marty
- on March 21, 2018
Love this little guy, Mason! He is really cute! Does he have a name? You are becoming quite the little artist. We love to receive your creations! Love, Ma and Poppy too!
-- Janet
- on March 21, 2018
MOO! I love your bear. You are an amazing artist. XXOXXO We are so proud of you
-- Kim
- on January 23, 2018
This little gingerbread house looks good enough to eat. YUM! I love the little candy canes at the door! Christmas is so much fun! Love, Ma
-- Janet
- on January 10, 2018
Hey Moo. Another great picture from you----very cool cat. I love the pumpkin too and I love you most of all. Poppy
-- Marty
- on November 29, 2017
Hi Mason! You really are a great little artist! I love this black cat! Of course you know all about cats. You have two of your own.....Ruby and Rye. That little pumpkin is really scary! Once again....GREAT JOB!! Have fun on Halloween! XO Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on November 29, 2017
Mason! That is one scary witch! That spider is really creepy too! I bet you can't wait for Halloween! You and Amelia will so much fun! ??
-- Janet
- on October 12, 2017
Hi, Mason! What a great spiral design! It is so colorful! It looks like your worked really hard to create such a beautiful picture. We hope you are enjoying first grade! Love, Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on October 12, 2017
Hi Mason, I love your new artwork. You did such an excellent job on this. We are so proud of you and love you very much. Daddy
-- Matt
- on October 12, 2017
Go Mason! You are quite the artist. I can't wait to see all of your creations this year. I love you so much! XO
-- Kim
- on October 2, 2017
Hey Moo, I love your neat picture of a cool bug. I think I have seen some of his brothers and sisters in Ou-Ou's garden but yours is the nicest one yet. He is a happy little bugger---just like you. I love you Poppy
-- Marty
- on October 12, 2017
I usually don't like bugs. But I like this one! He is so darn cute! Normally i know you really find little critters fascinating. I'm really going to miss seeing your artwork online. Maybe over the summer you can make some pictures for me. I would like that! Love, Ma
-- Janet
- on October 12, 2017
Hi Moo, Another great job---you have become quite the artist this year---I love seeing your creations. I hope you have lots of coins to put into the gumball machine. We will give some next time we see you. Looks like the gumball machine needs to be refilled. I love you Poppy
-- Marty
- on October 12, 2017
H Moo I love your new picture. The cupcake looks good enough to eat. Maybe you should make some real ones soon. Keep up the good art work. I love you. Poppy
-- Marty
- on April 20, 2017
Hi, Mason! That little cupcake looks good enough to eat. YUM!!! I love the sprinkles on top! You have become a talented little artist. Can't wait to see your next creation! Love, Ma
-- Janet
- on April 20, 2017
Hi Mason! This is the cutest little frog that I have ever seen! He makes me smile when I see his happy little face. Did you know that frogs don't need to drink water? They take water in through their skin! I sent an email to Mommy and Daddy that is full of fun facts about frogs. Hope you enjoy it! I can't wait to see your next creation!
-- Janet
- on April 20, 2017
Hi Mason, I love your frog. You really are an excellent artist. I love all of the different colors and drawing. You did an excellent job! I am very proud of you and love you very much. Love Daddy
-- Matt
- on April 20, 2017
Hi Moo, Great job on your robot. I really like the wheels on his feet. Keep up the good work. Love Poppy
-- Marty
- on April 20, 2017
WOW! What a cute little robot! You are becoming a great little artist! We love getting these emails of your artwork! Good job, Mason!! Love, Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on March 15, 2017
Hi Mason, I love your robot. It looks like that robot toy that you and Millie were playing with last night. You are an excellent artist. I am so proud of you. I love you! Love, Daddy
-- Matt
- on March 15, 2017
Moo, you are such a great artist. I am so proud of you. Love, Ou-Ou ??
-- Susan
- on January 25, 2017
Hey Moo, I love polar bears and love your picture of them. They do look sleepy and the snowflakes add a "cool" touch. You are a great little artist--in many ways. We love seeing your latest projects and pictures---keep them coming. I love you. Poppi Marty
-- Marty
- on January 25, 2017
Hi, Moo! Your polar bears are so cute! They really look very sleepy! Look at their droopy little eyelids! You did a great job! We sent Mommy and Daddy a very funny video of a sleepy polar bear. Hope you like it! We love you!!! Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on January 25, 2017
Hi Mason, I like all of the artwork that you send to me. But i think that this one is the coolest. It looks like a professional artist created it! I love that both bears are exactly the same (except for the size). I also love that their tongues are out. That is so silly! You are a great artist and I am so proud of you. Love Dad
-- Daddy
- on January 25, 2017
Hi, Mason! I love that little candy cane that you made in school. It looks good enough to eat! You must be getting excited about Christmas and Santa's visit to your house. We hope he brings you and Amelia everything you wished for. Love, Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on December 28, 2016
Hey Mason, Super-duper candy cane !!!!! Wish we had more of them to put on our tree. It was a lot of fun with you and Amelia last night on the Polar Express--especially seeing Santa Claus. Don't forget to put out some cookies and milk for Santa on Christmas Eve---and maybe a carrot or an apple for Rudolph. I love you Poppy Marty
-- Marty
- on December 28, 2016
Hey Moo, Terrific reindeer---and it looks like you made it Rudolph the Red-Nosed reindeer. Very special--just like you. I am sure that Santa will be very good to you this Christmas. I can't wait to see you tomorrow at Amelia's concert. I love you. Poppy Marty
-- Marty
- on December 28, 2016
Hi Mason, I love your Rudolph! He looks so cute all bundled up and ready for his big run with Santa and the rest of the reindeer. Do you think it will be cloudy on Christmas Eve and Santa will need to bring Rudolph along on this year's run? How cool would that be? I love you! Daddy
-- Matt
- on December 28, 2016
Hi Mason! I love your turkey. I love how you used the blue for his body. It looks different but I can totally tell that it is a turkey. It looks awesome. We love you so much. Love, Daddy
-- Matt
- on December 28, 2016
Happy Thanksgiving, Mason! Love your watercolor turkey...gobble, gobble. Think I see a yellow feather at the top of your cutout. Is that his tail feather? We can't wait to see you and Amelia (Mom and Dad too) tomorrow for Thanksgiving dinner. Just's almost Christmas!!! Love, Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on December 28, 2016
Hi Moo, Great turkey picture---you are so talented. He is too beautiful to have for Thanksgiving so tell Mommy to buy another one for dinner. Happy Thanksgiving !!!! I love you Poppy
-- Marty
- on December 28, 2016
Hi Mason, I love your new artwork! Look at the leaves and his little legs. It is just the perfect piece for the fall months! Mommy and I are so proud of you and love you so much. We cant wait to see your next piece! Love Daddy
-- Daddy
- on November 4, 2016
What a cute little owl! We were surprised to learn that you made him with torn pieces of paper! You did a great job, Mason! We sent an email to you about owls. You will learn some really fun facts about them. Ask Mommy or Daddy to find it on your iPad. Have a fun day. We love you! Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on November 4, 2016
Hey Moo Great job---I love your owl and I love you. It's so much fun being able to see your artwork on line. Can't wait for your next project. Love Poppi
-- Marty
- on November 4, 2016
Hi Little Buddy, I loved your pumpkin. Keep up with the great artwork. I look forward to seeing more of your creations. Love. Ou-Ou
-- Susan
- on November 4, 2016
Hi Mason! We think your pumpkin is adorable! What is his name? It is so much fun to see your artwork. We can't wait to see your next creation. We love you so much! Ma and Poppy
-- Janet
- on October 21, 2016
Hi Mason-----thanks for signing me up for your Fan Club. Great job on your pumpkin picture----can't wait to see your next picture. Love Poppi
-- Marty
- on October 21, 2016
Mason, I love your pumpkin. Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you! Love, Daddy
-- Matt
- on October 20, 2016