Miles3040's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Miles3040's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Miles, I like this art because it draws you into a specific point and at the same time has a floating quality. Perhaps it would be a design for some new crypto coin company or to illustrate a chapter in a geometry book. Intriguing!
- Phyliss on October 19, 2022
Miles, This is a very interesting critter you've created here. I would be very scared and worried if something looking like this showed up in my garden. Yikes! Nice illustration!
- Phyliss on October 19, 2022
Miles, So glad to see you are back in art class again. Your castle looks like its alive --with arms and legs, animated and ready to move.
- Phyliss on October 19, 2022
Hi Miles ~ very vibrant colors and the ripple-out around each figure suggests energy and movement, like you would see when athletes are performing. Love it!
- Phyliss on October 19, 2022
Miles, Saw your 2020 pastel today, a day of grey, cold, half rain, half slushy mush outside, and guess what? It really brightened my whole outlook. Very cheerful and light. Thanks!
- Phyliss on February 5, 2020
Miles, This is so simple and so beautiful. Thank you for your creativity.
- Phyliss on February 5, 2020
This is the best and happiest scientist I have ever seen. Dr. Miles looks like he just discovered something incredible. Love your art work Miles.
- Phyliss on February 5, 2020
Miles ~ Your choice of colors really makes this landscape look scary. Nice work.
- Phyliss on October 3, 2019
Your duck doesn't seem to mind the rain. He looks quite happy with the tiny umbrella and boots. Ducks and water go together like peanut butter and jelly. Love your artwork!
-- Phyliss
- on October 3, 2019
Miles ~ maybe you could teach him a few moves - you know, the waltz step 1-2-3 and the cha-cha-cha. I bet he would be a great dancer with a good teacher and some nice treats for his efforts.
-- Phyliss
- on October 3, 2019
Hello Miles ~ I like the tie-dye look of the bear's shirt and the spring green. Your bear looks wide awake and ready to go hunting for berries.
-- Phyliss
- on October 3, 2019
Really like the detail in this camel picture. Keep up the good work .
-- Kathy/Oma
- on October 3, 2019
-- Kathy/Oma
- on October 3, 2019
Miles your valentine bear is so cute. He looks very happy. I really like his eyes.
-- Kathy/Oma
- on October 3, 2019
Miles, I love your snowman. Looks like he is happily awaiting some winter snow. Me too!
-- Phyliss
- on January 23, 2019
Miles, That is one happy elf! Looks like he spotted some cookies and hot chocolate or maybe a brand new Lego set!! Nice work!
-- Phyliss
- on January 9, 2019
Very interesting.
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2018
Just like the one PopPop has. ??
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2018
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2018
Miles keep up the great work. I love this cat art. Hugs,Oma
-- Kathy
- on November 19, 2018
Hi Miles, I see you like bright colors (orange is WOW), lots of different designs and I can see a bit of cat and a bit of dog in your work. Love it!
-- Phyliss
- on November 19, 2018
Miles - your drawing of bugs is simply beautiful! Wow!
-- Phyliss
- on November 19, 2018
Hi Miles, Looks like this cow is in a hurry to get to shelter.
-- Phyliss
- on November 19, 2018
It's the winking and blinking cow! or does the rain get in her eye?
-- PopPop
- on May 30, 2018
Hi Miles, Your castle has it all-- including a handsome prince and a slithering dragon climbing the castle walls. Very colorful too. Nice work Mile!
-- Phyliss
- on April 28, 2018
Miles ~ I like the skyline of your Starry Night City and especially like the colors you used and the movement of the stars. Great work!
-- Phyiss
- on April 28, 2018
Mikes, this is an awesome guy. Love it.
-- OmA
- on April 28, 2018
Miles that's a pretty scary witch. I really like the detail in the background. And the witches eyes are really interesting and expressive. Keep up the great work and have fun Love you.
-- Oma
- on October 28, 2017
A very scary and unhappy-looking witch. Did she lose her broomstick? Nice work Miles!
-- Phyliss
- on October 28, 2017
Miles, this makes me think of a hurricane or the Giant Red Spot on Jupiter! Very Powerful and beautiful! Good job big guy! Love you PopPop
-- PopPop
- on October 6, 2017
Miles, It's great that you are back in art class again. I like your spiral designs within the larger spiral. And your choice of colors is inviting. Your spiral reminds me of a beautiful meditation cushion.
-- Phyliss
- on October 6, 2017
I've really enjoyed seeing your artwork this year. Your watercolor is so cool. When I look at it, it makes me want to go swimming and spend a day watching the waves for mermaids. Nice work!
-- Grandma
- on August 12, 2017
I like your happy bug, Miles. Guess he's glad that spring is finally here!
-- Phyiss
- on June 15, 2017
Miles I really like your robot.I see he even has a heart.!!! Keep up the good work and having fun with your art. Lots of Love, Oma and PopPOp
-- Oma
- on March 2, 2017
Miles, I love your Valentine heat - beautiful choice of colors and shapes within the big heart and the glowing small yellow heart in the middle. Very nice!
-- Phyliss
- on February 18, 2017
These bears look like they are having fun in the snow!
-- Phyliss
- on February 18, 2017
Miles - What makes this guy look so surprised? What does he see?
-- Phyliss
- on January 11, 2017
It's a beautiful candy cane, Miles!
-- Phyliss
- on January 11, 2017
Does that turkey gobble? I'd like to gobble it up.
-- Mike
- on December 10, 2016
This turkey watercolor brightened the dining room on Thanksgiving Day. Thanks for sharing Miles!
-- Phyliss
- on December 10, 2016
What a great owl! Love the fall colors.
-- Phyliss
- on November 3, 2016
What an awesome pumpkin!
-- Dad
- on October 31, 2016
What a funny pumpkin! I love it, especially the smile.
-- Phyliss
- on November 3, 2016
Miles , I love this drawing.Keep up the good work . Have fun with your art class. Love you, Oma
-- Oma
- on October 3, 2016
Miles, I love your shooting star. Keep up the great work.
-- Mike
- on October 3, 2016
Looking at Miles' Star makes me very happy. I love the vibrant colors he chose for the star as they really make it pop out in the foreground. His use of lots of pastel colors and different patterns in the background draws the eye into the picture. The star seems to vibrate and have a life of its own. I hope Miles will tell us the whole story about this star.
-- Grandmom Phyliss
- on September 29, 2016