Briton16's Comments (7)

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Below are comments about Briton16's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I recognize those bears. Very nice.
- Grandma on October 30, 2019
It's Rigby!! Nice work, Briton.
-- Grandma
- on March 27, 2019
Nice painting, Briton. I didn't notice the chameleon in the bricks at first!
-- Grandma
- on January 9, 2019
Good job, Briton. Your favorite colors look nice in the picture.
-- Grandma
- on March 21, 2018
Very good Briton. The darkness really makes me feel like it's a mysterious place
-- Dad
- on October 10, 2016
Great job, Briton. I love seeing your artwork!
-- Gram
- on October 6, 2016
Hi Briton, That's a rather dark and scary cave but I like the green grass and hills on top. Do bats live in the cave (I don't know because it's so dark I couldn't see). How deep is the cave. It looks deep.
-- Grandad
- on October 6, 2016