Makenna, I really love the colors in your latest masterpiece. Keep up the good work. Love, Grandma -- Becky
- on April 18, 2018
This one of my favorite so far Makenna! I love the colors and most especially, your cat. Great job!! -- BECKY
- on April 18, 2018
Nice looking bird! -- Mom
- on November 20, 2017
Pretty cool abstract! -- Mom
- on November 20, 2017
What gorgeous colors you have incorporated Makenna. You have done an extra special job this time. Congratulations! Love, Grandma
- on November 22, 2017
Love the colors and the design! So pretty and serene. -- Sandra
- on February 6, 2017
Love your pepperoni bird! And the crab looks pretty cool! -- Sandra
- on February 6, 2017
Makenna, You did a really good job on your American Bald Eagle picture. He looks like he means business for sure. Is your flag waving in the wind or is it more abstract? Have your mom explain about abstract art. In any case, you have captured the "spirit" of our precious bird. Next time you are out in the car with your mom, see how many American Bald Eagles you can spot. I know Broken Arrow had several but I am not sure about the wildlife in Coweta. Love, -- Grandma
- on February 6, 2017
What a gorgeous-colored cow Makenna!! What is her name? Is she walking the red carpet because she is a famous cow? I would like to know more about her. Could you write me a short story telling me about her? -- Grandma
- on November 5, 2016
This collage of cats almost looks like the Grim Reaper. In any case, it is an extremely scary work of art! Good work Makenna. P.S. He looks a bit dazed. Did he fall off the fence a few times too many? Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on November 5, 2016
Makenna... what a gorgeously colored picture. I particularly like the hair. It has a 50's beehive vibe going for it. The body has some of my favorite colors in it. This picture is also well-centered. Good Job!!! Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on October 18, 2016
You did made a wonderful interpretation of Van Gogh's "Sunflowers". Your picture is nice and bright plus it is well-centered. Were you all looking at a picture of his work in a book? Great Job!!! Love, Grandma -- Grandma
- on October 18, 2016
Really nice colors! -- Sandra
- on October 17, 2016
Love this one! Van Gogh is one of my favorites! -- Sandra