lili6's Comments (15)

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Below are comments about lili6's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is really a beautiful design. It almost makes me want it to be fall again, to see those colors!
- on March 6, 2008
This is a beautiful dancer Lindsay! You keep getting better and better!
- on March 8, 2007
Could a particular parrot living in Ithaca, New York have inspired this winning work of art? It's Wonderful!! Congratulations, Lindsay!! We're so proud of you. Hope to see the original soon :-) Love, Grandma and Grandpa
- on March 11, 2006
What a beautiful parrot! You worked very hard on this, and it shows.
-- from Miss Siwicki
- on February 28, 2006
Excellent work once again Lindsey! You've really done well with both your focal piece as well as your background setting and foliages. This is great piece of artwork! You should be very proud of yourself.
-- from Cousin Dan
- on February 27, 2006
Wow! This looks great! Keep up the good work in class.
-- from Miss Siwicki
- on October 30, 2005
Wow, Lindsay! You're off to another year of artistic recognition. Congratulations on your first masterpiece in first grade! What a colorful collage! I think "Untitled" should be changed to "Lindsay" for our beautiful granddaughter, the artist herself. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
-- from Grandma
- on October 24, 2005
Way to go Lili6!!! I love your use of color and multimedia in this self- portrait. It's a very pretty picture indeed!
-- from DTG
- on October 24, 2005
I love your teeth. Great job! Love mom
-- from tammy lifka
- on May 19, 2005
Another fine example of your beautiful art work! Congratulations, Sweetheart! There's never been any doubt that you're a SHINING STAR! Your painting truly illustrates how well you listened and learned all about Egyptian life. Keep up the good work, Lindsay. Love, Grandma and Grandpa
-- from grandma
- on March 4, 2005
Wow! What an Artist. It looks beautiful. Love, Uncle Phil
-- from Uncle Phil
- on March 3, 2005
Dearest Lindsay, Grandpa and I are so proud of your published artwork! Sponge painting is very much fun! Your colorul details make your snow person look like a lovely snow lady with pink arms, pink and blue scarf, and strawberry blonde hair tucked under her pink hat. She certainly shines above the sunlit trees, just as your "Winter Landscape" must shine above all the others in your class. Bravo! lili6 :-) You are very Special! May you always shine. Love, Grandma
-- from Grandma
- on January 12, 2005
you have the most beautify artwork!!
-- from Mommy
- on January 12, 2005
I have been to many museums, even the Louvre in Paris, and this is truly a beautiful piece of artwork. I am so proud to not only know, but to also be related to the artist. I am so proud of Lindsay. I hope she keeps painting and expressing herself in such a creative and talented way. Picasso would surely be jealous!!!!
-- from Daniel Gray
- on January 11, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 11, 2005