kehi1's Comments (17)

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Below are comments about kehi1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love your color wheel, Kellen!!
- on December 18, 2007
Very colorful! I like the 3D effect. Great art work, Kellen! Love, MOM
- on June 7, 2007
it has crazy hair just like you!!!!
- on June 6, 2007
Kellen, I'm glad Ben sent me the link to your art - I really enjoyed your crazy alien and the other artwork. Looking forward to seeing many more paintings and drawings soon! Lisa
- on March 16, 2006
Kellen, that looks like Jacob when he wakes up in the morning. It's really funny. Good work. -Ben
- on March 11, 2006
This guy would be scary except his head is shaped like a heart. That makes him seem friendlier. Love, MOM
- on March 6, 2006
Great Alien, Kellen! (I think it looks a little bit like Ben, don't you?!)
-- from you Godmom
- on March 5, 2006
I love the color choice. It is a nice piece of artwork.
-- from friend
- on November 4, 2005
Wow! This looks great! Keep up the good work in class.
-- from Miss Siwicki
- on October 30, 2005
Hi Kellen, Your picture reminds me of you looking out the window watching the snow fall! Great job!
-- from Love, MOM
- on October 27, 2005
Wow Kellen that is an awesome picture. I love the curly hair and glasses. I am especially impressed with the triangle nose. Make more art so I can see it on my computer. Thanks!
-- from Ben
- on October 26, 2005
It looks like me!
-- from Erin
- on October 26, 2005
I'm so proud to have my work on Artsonia
-- from Kellen
- on March 11, 2005
Kellen- It's lovely artwork! Keep up the great work!
-- from Ellen
- on March 1, 2005
Kellen, I can't wait to get more of your artwork for my walls at school!
-- from your Godmom
- on February 24, 2005
Kellen, we love your weaving. The colors are beautiful, and the pattern is so interesting. Love, MOM
-- from MOM
- on January 26, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 26, 2005