Your circle print makes me think of a colorful stained glass window. It's fun to look at and I like it! -- Grandpa
- on February 27, 2017
This is really a great piece of art! Wonderful work and can't wait to see your next creation:) -- Gop
- on February 27, 2017
Your circles are so colorful and I love the blue background. Keep doing good work and I am very proud of your art work. -- guba
- on February 27, 2017
That artist Paul Klee was an interesting fellow. I like how you divided your cat into all the different shapes and bright colors! Very nice artwork! -- Grandpa
- on December 7, 2016
This is a great pumpkin. Looking at this creation makes me smile! Thanks for sharing. -- gop
- on December 7, 2016
Wow. This is a great drawing! I really like the colors and shapes. Can't wait to see your next one. Very nice:) -- gop
- on December 7, 2016
very creative idea and the colors are fantastic. What a big brain. -- guba
- on December 7, 2016
I love your striped pumpkin. Keep up the good work. -- Guba