Matthew1249's Comments (34)

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Below are comments about Matthew1249's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Matthew, I enjoy your work. I just want to know who won this bout? Keep the pictures coming. Cathi O.
- on November 2, 2006
Hi Matthew, Great piece! It is so O'Keeffeish, you really got the hang of his stlye. Keep up the great work. Love, C-Bear
- on June 8, 2006
Hi Matthew, I love the changing of the seasons. We're lucky because we get to see them change around here. Not every place has the changes like here. My favorite time is Spring, how about you? Keep up the good work and we'll see you soon. Uncle Dave
- on June 8, 2006
Hi Matthew, What a great way to show the sky and clouds, it looks so realistic! Your trees are beautiful! Great job. Love, Aunt Cindy
- on May 23, 2006
Matthew, I love to see your newest works. You are very talented. I love the ice skate picture. Keep up the good work!!!! Cathi O.
- on May 23, 2006
Hi Matthew, I love your elephant!!! Great use of color with the magentas and purples bordering your picture, those are my favorite colors! Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Cindy
- on March 17, 2006
Matthew, I love all of your artwork. It is great to see it up in the house, and especially to see it on the internet. Love, Dad
- on March 15, 2006
Hi Matthew, I enjoyed your newest creation. It looks like a little lamb who seems to be lost. If I run into him, I will send him your way. Keep up the good work!!! Cathi
- on March 14, 2006
Hi Matthew, I love all the shades of blue you used in this piece. Just using the blues gives it a neat effect, don't you think? It is "literally" a cool looking piece. Great Job! Love,
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on February 7, 2006
Hi Matthew, Looks like you've been working real hard on your next piece of artwork. The colors and highlights blend very well together. Are they tulips? You keep up your good work and hope to see you soon.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on February 7, 2006
Hey Matthew, Looks like somebody likes to ice skate. That's one of my favorite things to do. I like all the detailed stiching on your skate. And your cursive writing is better than mine. You sure have grown up quickly and I'm very impressed with your artwork. Maybe we could go skating together soon. I hope so.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on January 18, 2006
Hi Matthew, What a great piece of art. It looks like a professionally done wall plaque, nice job. It really is beautiful. I didn't recognize some of the pieces in your gallery, they were all beautiful but I don't think I got emails about several of them. I am glad I got a chance to see them now. You are so talented, keep it up. Love,
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on January 18, 2006
Hi Matthew, Oh man, this is too cool! This is one of my favorites. You are very creative and I can see that you are becoming quite the artist. I know you are enjoying what you do and keep up the great work.
-- from Unlce Dave
- on January 13, 2006
Hi Matthew, I like your house. It looks warm and fun. Is there something special behind the purple door? The tiled roof adds a nice touch to your house. I hope I can come play in that house that you've created. Continue with your work. It's paying off big time.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on January 13, 2006
Dear Matthew, What a great house! I love how colorful you made it, especially the purple door, just like a real victorian house. It makes me long for summer days in Cape May. Keep up the good work. Love,
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on January 5, 2006
Hi Matthew, Wow! You are really showing your stuff now. I think you have quite a talent for artwork. There is so much detail and color and perspective in your latest piece. You should be proud of your work. Keep up your good work and I'll be waiting for the next one.
-- from Love, Uncle Dave
- on September 29, 2005
Hi Matthew, I see your already back to your art. I love paper collage's and I love the colors you picked out for yours. Purple is my favorite color and with the yellow flowers in the vase it makes me long for spring when we will see those yellow daffodils popping up out of the ground. I hope you have alot of fun with your great art work this year, you are off to a terrific start.
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on September 29, 2005
Matthew- Thanks for bring fresh flowers to me! It really put a smile on my face. :) Love, mom
-- from mom
- on September 28, 2005
Hi Matthew, Wow, I love your combination of colors on this piece! You really know how to make a colorful picture, I love the use of purple, it is one of my favorite colors. Keep up the good work.
-- from Love, Cindy
- on May 26, 2005
Dear Matthew, What a great fish! I love his colorful tail and pink eye. I'd like to see him swimming in the pool with you this summer. Great job.
-- from Love, Aunt Cindy
- on May 26, 2005
Hi Matthew, Hey, I really like your fish. His tail is so colorful and it seems so happy. Keep up your good work and I'll be waiting for your next piece of art. See you over the weekend.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on May 26, 2005
Hi Matthew I think your latest artwork is so colorful and I like the background. Is that called a collage? Keep up the good work and see you on Sunday for some fun.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on May 17, 2005
Hi Mathew, Wow! You're making me hungry with that quintuple layer sandwich. It looks like that would feed me for a couple days. I hope you had fun making it. Maybe you could make me one the next time you come over. Keep up the good work and see you soon at the pool. Love Uncle Dave
-- from Uncle Dave
- on April 5, 2005
Hi Matthew, Woe, what a burger!!!!!That is the biggest most delicious looking burger I have ever seen, and those FF are so realistic. You are making me so hungry I want to go to McDonalds right now and I haven't even had my breakfast. Keep up the good work, you are an awesome artist! Love,
-- from Cindy
- on April 2, 2005
Dear Matthew, What a great portrait of your friend. He looks so fun and colorful. Keep up the great work. Love,
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on February 18, 2005
Wow Matthew! It really looks like Michael. I love your colors--it looks great! Love
-- from mom
- on February 16, 2005
Hi Matthew' I really like your portrait of Michael. Is he a friend of yours? Looks like your using water colors now. Keep up the good work.
-- from Uncle Dave
- on February 16, 2005
Hi Matthew, Looks like you've been hard at work with your new artwork. Is That the eye of an EAGLE? See you for the game on Sunday. Thankyou for the Valentine's day wish. Keep up the good work! Love Unlce Dave
-- from Uncle Dave
- on February 2, 2005
Matthew, Congratulations on being such a popular artist. I am so happy that everyone enjoys seeing your artwork.
-- from Mrs. Winkler
- on January 31, 2005
What an awesome eye! You are such a great artist! I am very proud of you.
-- from mom
- on January 31, 2005
Wow Matthew, What a great eye! What great detail, were you looking in a mirrow to see all that detail? I t makes your picture so realistic, especially that little white spot in the middle of your pupil. Great job! Thanks for sharing. Love,
-- from Cindy
- on January 29, 2005
Good Job, Matthew. It's scary.
-- from Next door neighbor, Joan
- on January 25, 2005
Matthew, I love your art work!!! You are quite the artist. I loved your self portrait, what great detail in your face and hands, I knew it was you before I read the caption. What great colors you used in your watercolor of the fall leaves falling from the blue sky! Your Frankenstein was really scarry! You did an awesome job with your squares and rectangles. How did you manage to make that work so well? My favorite was your penquin picture, it made me cold just to look at it as I sat here waiting for our big snow storm. It made me feel like it was already hear!Thanks for sharing your talent with me, I can't wait to see your next projects. Love you,
-- from Aunt Cindy
- on January 23, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on January 19, 2005