It must be interesting (and difficult) to try to make shoes. These look really good and the shoelaces are placed so well! I love seeing this.
- Linda on May 4, 2023
This kind of art work seems to stimulate the imagination in new ways. The story line you have and pictures make me want to know what happens next!!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
A beautiful Valentine's Day card for someone!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
Garrison! Designer, Architect, Builder, Contractor! Your model looks as if it took a lot of time, effort & imagination!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
Looks like you're thinking of target practice??!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
Looks like a stained glass window!!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
Reminds me of Picasso!!
- Linda on May 4, 2023
Garrison- I really like the scene on your puzzle piece-actually the layers of the sky, mountains, water, bushes, maybe path, grass & earth are beautiful! The project of making a piece of puzzle helps us think about world peace because we are ALL a part of the whole. Thank YOU, Garrison! Love, Mimi
- on September 23, 2019
What a beautiful, interesting piece of art work on bees. I see bees, the wax hexagons for storing the honey, pollen, bubbles of water (all bees need water) & such a variety of colors. Really nice!! -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
Garrison- You are GREAT at so many things. I would add... YOU ARE KIND & THOUGHTFUL TO ME & TO SO MANY OTHERS!! -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
I love it- especially the eyes?? -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
Garrison...Looks like you have glazed your bowl with the blues & greens of the sea. Maybe you will keep some tiny special tools for your new machine in this special sculpture!? -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
WOW, Garrison!!!! SWEET!!! I see the bowl is the artwork & the ice-cream sundae is to eat! Hope you enjoyed it!! ?? -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
Hi Garrison- What a nice scene! I like your "MMMM" silent sounds coming from the person's mouth. I Wonder who that is?? -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
Hi Garrison- This folded piece of work tells a secret story because I can't see the folded hidden parts. could it also be a mask? -- Linda
- on September 23, 2019
Garrison...WOW! This is so whimsical & filled with imagination & the bunny seems very tender to me...thank you! -- Linda
- on January 16, 2019
Hi Garrison! What interesting work you are doing in art class! This appears to me to be a bird in a nest & there are a lot of textures. It seems like 3D! -- Linda
- on December 30, 2018
Garrison- I wonder who this is? I really love seeing your artwork!!! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
"G" - Bright Fall colors here- nice to see on these Wintery days! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
"G"- You would have to tell me about this one! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Garrison-Could this be an abstract of some flowers? I like the way it shows on the black background. -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
"G"- Is this a big-eyed bug or a bug-eyed bug?? I bet you had fun doing this... -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Garrison- Somehow this looks like a frog with a big heart! You have a good imagination! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
"G" - your crawly critters could make up a family! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Looks like you like making these creatures-and you are good at it! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
"G" This design of your critter looks like it takes a lot of patience & careful fingers to put together! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Hi "G"- This city layout is not as complicated as the others! Easier for me!! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Garrison-ore of my favorite colors in an interesting pattern-very neat! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Garrison- Those are some of my favorite colors an your drawing looks to me like an interesting map of some city streets. XOXO to you! -- Linda
- on December 4, 2018
Interesting piece, Gman - looks like an airport - like the colors -- Old Gramp C.
- on December 4, 2018
Your Dreamcatcher is a beautiful work of art, Garrison & I can almost see what you are dreaming of catching!! -- Linda
- on October 24, 2018
Garrison...You are such an artist! This farm scene just makes me smile today-love it! -- Mimi
- on June 13, 2018
Looks yummy! -- Linda
- on June 13, 2018
"G"- This structure looks like it took patience to assemble- just like when you are building things... like your Dad! Love, Mimi -- Linda
- on June 13, 2018
Garrison- Your artwork is looking more & more detailed & colorful! You have a good imagination! Love, Mimi -- Linda
- on June 13, 2018
Hi Garrison! Your cupcake art looks good enough to eat! Love,Mimi -- Linda
- on June 13, 2018
Garrison nice job on your symmetry project Balance is necessary in many ways -- Peter
- on June 13, 2018
Garrison I love this picture of a hedgehog Especially the way you've drawn the back and it's face!! Keep up the good work! -- Peter
- on June 13, 2018
Okay Garrison. is this the Christmas mouse or a mouseasaurus? Looks pretty sneaky to me. We need to talk about this one. He s pretty cute. -- Old GrampC
- on June 13, 2018
A great drawing of a pumpkin Gman ~~~and the Fall colors are great -- Old GrampC
- on June 13, 2018
The tongues get longer and the colors brighter !!!!! Old Gramp -- Don And Fay
- on October 16, 2017
Gman - is this the lizard you are trying to hide??? Old Gramp -- Don And Fay
- on October 16, 2017
Hey Gman - where did you hide that old lizard???? Great work ---Old Gramp -- Don And Fay
- on October 16, 2017
Interesting image, it hanging somewhere at your house? -- Linda
- on September 25, 2017
Gman - it looks to me as though you are thinking summer. Good work. We will have to talk about this one. Old Gramp -- Old GrampC
- on May 25, 2017
Great job G Looks like James' giant peach -- Peter
- on May 25, 2017
Garrison - For some reason this reminds me of Star Wars! -- Linda
- on May 25, 2017
I don't know if I already left a comment on this, Garrison, but all of a sudden I am seeing a river or stream running through the trees...or maybe it's out by your pond... Very nice. -- Linda
- on May 25, 2017
That is one tall bird!!! Your watercolor background adds so much to the big bird ...and is he, she, it wearing boots??? -- Linda
- on May 25, 2017
Garrison - This reminds me of the woods in back of your house! -- Mimi
- on April 5, 2017
Hi Garrison! It looks as if this painting was a lot of fun to do- so colorful! -- Mimi
- on April 5, 2017
Hi Garrison- This looks good enough to eat!!!Thanks for sharing! -- Mimi
- on April 5, 2017
Hi G- I am so intrigued by this piece. It is so creative and colorful. I love it. You really are amazing. -- Jesse
- on April 5, 2017
Wow G - that sure is an interesting piece of work - do I see yarn? combined with maybe some knitting and scrunched up napkins ??? you need to talk with me about this. Proud of you. Old Gramp -- Old Gramp C
- on April 5, 2017
Hi GMan - we will have to talk about this - it is fantastic. So much detail. Every new piece of your art is so different - So proud of you. Old Gramp C -- Old GrampC
- on December 21, 2016
Hi "G"! I like your colors & the way you've used your black markings to separate green & maybe the trees & maybe the earth with the brown. Love, Mimi -- Linda
- on December 21, 2016
Hi G - that is a great colorful snowstorm!!! Can you imagine a snowman rolled out of that - the colors are just beautiful - so very proud of you. We need a painting for Christmas. Old Gramp C -- Don And Fay
- on December 11, 2016
Garrison this is amazing. You will need to teach me how to do this! -- Jesse
- on December 5, 2016
Wow Garrison! I love how you used all the colors. This is a really great art piece. I love it! -- Jesse
- on December 5, 2016
Garrison-The moon is so bright tonight that I see the outlines of the moon's surface & it looks like the man in the moon. Is that what I see i your picture? Like maybe with a spaceship and maybe with a green lake or is it green cheese? You know there are some stories about the moon being made of cheese... I wonder how you got this artwork to look a little fuzzy- like it is out in space? -- Linda
- on November 24, 2016
Garrison-This piece of art looks as if it took a lot of careful work AND a lot of brain work to put it all together. I love seeing your artwork!! It gives me new ideas! -- Linda
- on November 24, 2016
Garrison- This is so cheerful & fabulous; I'd like to frame it! -- Linda
- on November 24, 2016
Hi G ~~~~~So proud of you - love the colors - Old Gramp -- Old GrampC
- on November 24, 2016
Hi G - Your weaving is amazing - you are so talented!!!Beautiful work. Old Gramp -- Old GrampC
- on November 3, 2016
Garrison, I love your picture, the pumpkins are awesome! -- Patty
- on October 13, 2016
Garrison - This piece of art is really awesome -- The colors and shapes are really great. We are soooooo proud of you. -- Old GrampC
- on October 13, 2016
Wow, Garrison - really colorful reminders of Fall! So bright & cheerful!! Love, Grammie Mimi -- Linda
- on October 13, 2016
Garrison - this is a great drawing - we are so proud of you !! -- OLD GRAMP C
- on October 4, 2016
G man, i love yourself picture, good job. -- Patty
- on October 4, 2016
Grammy patty -- Patty
- on October 4, 2016
Hi Garrison- I love seeing your artwork & hope we can paint together sometime! Love, Grammie -- Linda