Emma29941's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Emma29941's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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I love my artwork
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
Love your art work
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
Emma the crabs look like we could have a feast tonight.
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
Emma I love you journey down the path. You have done an amazing Coloring of the path ahead.
- Charlotte on March 13, 2020
Excellent left design.
- Mom mom on March 13, 2020
Love your designs Emma....
-- Charlotte
- on March 13, 2020
Love your art design Emma....
-- Charlotte
- on March 13, 2020
Love your art work. Love MomMom
-- MomMom
- on September 26, 2018
Good job Emma !
-- MiMi
- on September 12, 2018