Ellis587's Comments (89)

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Below are comments about Ellis587's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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really nice robot. I like the dials and controls on the body. Can this robot help you with your homework, or maybe even make your bed?
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
This looks like it might be a drop of swamp water seen through a microscope. I hope the yellow things are not pincher that would bite you toes if you went wading in the swamp
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
Wow! It looks a bit like an exploding star with all the star stuff expanding out from the center.
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
Was this also done on the computer? I looks like you actually cut pieces out and pasted them together. The colors are really nice.
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
I like the pattern of the picture. The inside of the blocks looks like tiny red spiders. You do a really good job of putting together pictures with the computer.
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
Ellis, I really love the colors on this artwork! Are those people with black hair standing around the edges? Grandma
-- Cheral
- on July 10, 2019
Hi Ellis! Very creative artwork with your ipad. Some day I wish you would show me how you did this picture. I also love the colors. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on July 10, 2019
Ellis, this is a very colorful alphabet! I love the pictures at the end. Is that you? Grandma
-- Cheral
- on July 10, 2019
Hi Ellis. Nice robot picture. Is the robot wearing blue jeans? Does the wavy line above its head mean it's thinking? Thanks for sharing your art project! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on July 10, 2019
Nice letters! You made all the letters look different with different patterns.
-- Ed
- on July 10, 2019
Hi Ellis. This is the most colorful llama I've ever seen. I especially love the green legs! Is that a saddle on it, or is that some multi-colored fur? Thanks for sharing your school projects. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on April 4, 2019
Very colorful llama. It looks like drawings of the native people in the Andies mountains in South America.
-- Ed
- on April 4, 2019
Ellis I like how you made it look like he was walking with the way you did his right front foot! Good Job!
-- Bobbi
- on April 4, 2019
Ellis, this artwork looks a lot like a quilt! Did you use your tablet to design and display this? Good work! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on April 4, 2019
Ellis, this absolutely looks like a tornado! Did you do the artwork on your tablet? I love the red, white and blue colors. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on April 4, 2019
Hey Ellis, do you have real cardinals in your yard? We see a few sometimes. Your greatgrandfather (my dad) loved cardinals and would often have a lot of them on the bush outside his kitchen window. He would have loved your cardinal picture, just as I do. Thanks for sharing! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on April 4, 2019
Ellis, I learned so much about you but why would you want to be a shark? I know I would not want to be in the ocean all the time! You and your Mom both love pizza.
-- Bobbi
- on April 4, 2019
I don't think I have seen many sharks flying a plane. But you never know. However if you are fly, you probably need to give up the junk food. I will gladly let you take me up flying when you get your pilot's license.
-- Ed
- on April 4, 2019
Hi Ellis. Thanks for sharing your art work with me. I love getting pictures of you, and it's fun knowing what you were thinking while you were creating this picture. I see you want to learn to fly! Do you remember when you were little, grandpa and I took you to the airport to see planes? You are lucky to be able to see airplanes flying over you house. We don't see many of them out here in the country. I think you often and hope that we can get together soon. We miss you!! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on April 4, 2019
WOW! Did you draw all the lines? It looks like the lines have turned the yellow circles into yellow hexagons(that means six-sided).
-- Ed
- on April 4, 2019
Is this from the computer? I like the design. The colors go well together.
-- Ed
- on April 4, 2019
Nice work. Those look like the cardinals we get at our bird feeder. I like the tracks in the snow. Is the music the notes the birds sing as the sit in the trees"
-- Ed
- on April 4, 2019
You did this on an Ipad? Very cool Ellis!
-- Bobbi
- on April 4, 2019
Great! Looks like a galaxy with stars in orbit around a central black, no wait, a RED hole. A new discovery. But I sure can see the spinning of the tornado.
-- Ed
- on April 24, 2019
Love these bright colored fish Ellis!
-- Bobbi
- on April 24, 2019
I would like to see these in Lake Mendota!! I love your choice of colors!!
-- Bobbi
- on April 24, 2019
Nice fish! Why is one swimming opposite the others? They look like the fish we saw at a library in St. Augustine
-- Ed
- on April 24, 2019
Ellis you are so creative. Good job!
-- Bobbi
- on January 17, 2019
What a neat house!!! It looks like it has eyes and a door knob for it's belly button.I like the purple chimney. Maybe the birds nest in it.
-- Ed
- on January 10, 2019
Hi Ellis. Your ceramic house is really interesting! I love all the shapes you have put into it (how did you do that?) and the colors are very wintery. Nice work! Will I ever get to see the original some day? Grandma
-- Cheral
- on January 10, 2019
very nice "Sunflowers". Do you think van Gogh ever imagined he would be a hot air balloon flying over New Mexico?
-- Ed
- on January 10, 2019
Ellis, this wonderful artwork looks sunny and happy. I love the projects you do and look forward to seeing many more! Thanks for sharing. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on January 10, 2019
Hi Ellis. You've made some art work already in school! How wonderful! The colors you used, and your design for the project, make it look 3D. I hope I get to see a lot of your projects this year! Great work! Love, Grandma
-- Cheral
- on October 14, 2018
I think it looks like the planet Saturn, with checkerboard rings. The lines on the middle part make it look like it is a checkered ball.
-- Ed
- on October 14, 2018
Some interesting birds. What kind are they? Do they all come to your bird feeder? If so, what do you feed them?
-- Ed
- on October 14, 2018
Hi Ellis. I'd love to talk with you about this artwork. If these are birds, they are certainly the most interesting birds I've ever seen. Did you see these in your back yard? Good work! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on October 14, 2018
I really like the arrangement of the leaves. Our trees don't have those shaped leaves. The lines in the border really help frame the picture. I'm glad you didn't do so may leaves that we would have to rake them up.
-- Ed
- on May 16, 2018
Hi Ellis. I am enjoying your Henri Matisse Leaves artwork! I can picture autumn leaves on green grass. The brown/orange border set at an angle is very poplular in modern quilting. Very nice! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on May 16, 2018
It looks like you made a friendly monster. You must have glued a lot of pieces together. I think I wouldn't be afraid of him.
-- Ed
- on May 16, 2018
Hi Ellis. Your "monster collage" looks like a happy monster with all those pretty colors. It looks like it is trying to talk to me. Keep up the great artwork! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on May 16, 2018
Nice monster Ellis. It sounds like it was a lot of work doing this project!
-- Bobbi
- on May 16, 2018
Your crocodile project looks like it was fun to do. It is very cute, but kind of frightening. I know that in real life crocs are animals to avoid since they can be pretty mean! Good work Ellis. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on March 21, 2018
I would not like to see those eyes looking at me while I was taking swim. I will have to stay out of the swamp for awhile. I don't think I could outswim him.
-- Ed
- on March 21, 2018
I like his teeth Ellis! Good job!
-- Bobbi
- on March 21, 2018
Ellis, this flower picture is one of your best pictures! I love the colors---they make me think of spring! Thanks for sharing this picture with me. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on March 21, 2018
Ellis, that's the most colorful snail I've ever seen! It's beautiful! I love the buggy eyes - they really make the snail look cute. Grandma
-- Cheral
- on March 21, 2018
What funny eyes he has! Good job Ellis!
-- Bobbi
- on March 21, 2018
Very good snail. I like his eyes set on the stalks. That way he can see all around him.
-- Ed
- on March 21, 2018
This is great. I really like the colors!
-- Bobbi
- on March 21, 2018
Ellis, I think your Koi picture is one of the best you have done! The fish look very real, and there is lots of depth in the picture. The fish really stand out from the backgound. Great job! Grandma
-- Cheral
- on March 21, 2018
What a nice Christmas tree. It looks like a stack of presents someone left under a tree.
-- Ed
- on January 10, 2018
Hi Ellis. Your holiday tree makes me smile. The gold layers make the tree shine, and the gold star tops off the tree just right. Keep up the excellent work my artistic grandson.
-- Cheral
- on January 10, 2018
this is very cool Ellis!
-- Bobbi
- on January 10, 2018
Ellis, what a really detailed piece of artwork! The yellow sky might indicate a really sunny day. Have you ever seen a live chameleon? Do you have one in your classroom? When I was a little girl, I saw a chameleon hanging on a curtain. Nice job with this project!
-- Cheral
- on December 6, 2017
Hi Ellis. I think your art teacher really likes owls. What i like about this picture is the stars around the owl and the owl's big eyes. Keep the artwork coming so I can see what you're doing in school!
-- Cheral
- on November 15, 2017
Very nice Ellis! I like the feet and the stars!
-- Bobbi
- on November 15, 2017
Very good stars and crescent moon. Looks like waxing moon. I would not want to be attacked by the talons on that owl.
-- Ed
- on November 15, 2017
This looks very cool. Good job.
-- Bobbi
- on October 18, 2017
Nice work Ellis. The Sun looks really neat. Must have been right after the eclipse ended.
-- Ed
- on September 27, 2017
Ellis, I'm so happy to see some of your new artwork. This Mexican tin work project looks like it was interesting and a lot of fun to do. There are many parts to it. I think I like the center sun because it looks like the sun is smiling - just like you do! Keep up the good work, and I'll look forward to more artwork projects from you!
-- Cheral
- on September 27, 2017
Ellis, I love how you have used so many colors in this beautiful picture! It must have been fun using a lot of different art materials in this project. I'm so glad that you share your art with me! Thank you!
-- Cheral
- on July 5, 2017
Hi Ellis! This is a great art project because it is so colorful. Is the picture made from little tiny pieces of paper? If so, did you have to cut all of them out yourself? Keep up the good work so I can see more of your projects online!
-- Cheral
- on May 30, 2017
Wow, Ellis. I really liked this mosaic. It has great colors and great design. I bet you had fun making this.
-- Grampa Warren
- on May 30, 2017
Ellis, this artwork is very interesting. Are their things in the basket, or are those just beautiful colors inside? Did your teacher bake this basket in a kiln? I'd love to see this sometime.
-- Cheral
- on April 12, 2017
Very nice, Ellis. Was it inspired by something you saw at the museums?
-- Ed
- on April 12, 2017
I bet you liked doing this one. Great job!
-- Bobbi
- on April 12, 2017
These bugs just make me smile! It makes me want Spring to come and bring more bugs!
-- Bobbi
- on April 12, 2017
What a great group of bugs climbing up a stem.
-- Ed
- on April 12, 2017
Ellis, this fish looks pretty mean. I love the picture, but I sure wouldn't want to meet this fish for real. Keep up the good work!
-- Cheral
- on April 12, 2017
Ellis, I hung this heart that you gave me on my bedroom wall so I can look at it every day and think of you.
-- Cheral
- on April 12, 2017
Ellis, I LOVE your lady bug picture! You are getting to be quite a good artist! The colors in this picture are so natural looking. I'm glad I was able to see what you've been doing. WOW!! While I was typing this on my computer, a real lady bug came and sat beside me on my desk!
-- Cheral
- on April 12, 2017
What is that green material? Looks very interesting!
-- Bobbi
- on March 8, 2017
Ellis, this is the most intriguing of your art projects! Is the green matter grass, or is it green yarn? Please tell me the story behind this project the next time I see you.
-- Cheral
- on March 8, 2017
Hi Ellis. Black glue is a very interesting idea. I think you were very creative with it on your latest heart project! It adds texture to your artwork!
-- Cheral
- on March 8, 2017
Ellis, your ceramic heart art project is very cool! It's one of the nicest art pieces you have done, and I'm happy to be able to see a picture of it!
-- Cheral
- on March 8, 2017
your heart looks like it has 3 roses in it. Very pretty!
-- Bobbi
- on January 18, 2017
Ellis your heart is super.Very nice!
-- Bobbi
- on January 18, 2017
This little guy is so cute. Just like you!
-- Bobbi
- on December 14, 2016
I really like the different colors you used on the train and the train tracks. I t makes me want to go on a train ride.
-- Bobbi
- on December 14, 2016
Ellis, I love the face on your owl. He looks ready to go out flying all over the night sky!
-- Cheral
- on December 14, 2016
Nice train. Maybe we can find one to see this summer.
-- Ed
- on November 26, 2016
Ellis, I absolutely LOVE your number train. You have all the detail, and the colors are fantastic!
-- Grandma
- on November 26, 2016
Nice looking tree. Looks a lot like the tree at the reunion.
-- Grandpa
- on November 26, 2016
Ellis, the colors on your tree look very realistic! Keep up the excellent work!
-- Grandma
- on October 26, 2016
looks like the tree in the front yard, but straighter
-- Adam
- on October 19, 2016
Great work!!! I liked the way the colors are arranged.
-- Ed
- on October 19, 2016
Ellis, I love the colors you chose. Great job! I'm looking forward to seeing more.
-- Grandma
- on October 4, 2016
Good use of many colors.
-- Adam
- on October 3, 2016
Very nice colors in your puzzle picture!
-- Bobbi
- on October 2, 2016