This is one of my favorites. I will need to get a framed copy for my wall! -- Grams Jackie
- on May 30, 2018
This one is a little scary .?? but I love it! -- Grams Jackie
- on May 30, 2018
You are very creative, I always love what you draw. Keep up the great work!!?? -- Grams Jackie
- on May 30, 2018
Nice! -- Cameron
- on April 11, 2018
This silly looking monster thing made me laugh. So creative my son! -- Daddy
- on April 11, 2018
I love the crazy eyes on this. It made me laugh. Thank you for doing such good work and letting me see it buddy. I love you. -- Daddy
- on March 14, 2018
You just keep getting better and better buddy!!! I love you. -- Daddy
- on March 8, 2018
This so funny looking Cobus. I love it and so does Grandma Jackie. She wants to put it upstairs of her house with her collection of all of her kids and grand kids. Please make sure to bring it home with you so we can get it to grandma Jackie. Keep up the great work. You always make me soooo proud in everything you do. I love you Buddy. -- Daddy
- on February 6, 2018
This is adorable! I can give it a good home?? -- Gramma Jackie
- on February 6, 2018
Great job with the fish and the bubbles are a great touch too. I would like this one for my office too. Keep up all of your hard work Cobus. Remember work hard play hard. I love you. -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
This looks too much like a Christmas tree but I still love it because you did it. Nice job my Boy!!! -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
What great camouflage!!! I had to look really hard to see that lizard.....oh wait....there are two of them and maybe more? -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
Who....who....nice owl buddy. Love it but love you more. -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
Please bring this one home when you can. I want to put this up in my office since it is 7 Hills colors.....yellow and blue. I LOVE THIS!!! -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
What a cool design buddy. Did you make this up on your own? -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
This had to take you a long time. I hope I get to see this up close hen you bring this home. -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
You are always making me proud Cobus. I am sorry that I got so behind in commenting on all of these great projects. I love you. -- Daddy
- on January 16, 2018
i love this pic! i think the bubbles make the fish look so real!!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on January 16, 2018
Adorable fish! I love your color combinations and your ability to create such pleasing images. Keep up the good work. -- Gramma Jackie
- on January 10, 2018
Beautiful colors as always. -- Gramma Jackie
- on January 10, 2018
This is great! I love the colors, you are very creative?????? -- Grama Jackie
- on November 22, 2017
This is great! I love the colors, you are very creative?????? -- Grams Jackie
- on November 22, 2017
You continue to make amazing art! Good job Cobus, love you so much! -- Aunt Ruthie
- on November 22, 2017
I love this! Two of my favorite colors . And and your owl is adorable. Keep up the good work -- Grams Jackie
- on November 22, 2017
That is really cool and different!! Great first of the year project!!! I love getting to see all of your art! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on October 4, 2017
What a good start to your new school year!. That looks like it was fun to create, keep up the good work. Love Grama Jackie -- Grama Jackie
- on September 27, 2017
First piece of your new year ???? It's great! Love you buddy… XOXO -- Aunt Ruthy
- on September 27, 2017
Your artwork just got better and better all year long! I loved everything you did, and always was excited to see what was next. Good job buddy : ) -- Aunt Ruthie
- on June 14, 2017
What beautiful colors and what a wonderful imagination you have! You are such a good artist, you are so good at coloring and drawing. I love this website that allows all of us to see what you are doing in your art class. Love you, Cobus! -- Grama Jackie
- on June 14, 2017
spectacular! good job buddy, love you ?? -- aunt ruthie
- on May 10, 2017
Dear Cobus, another beautiful work of art! I love the colors and the design, keep up the good work. You must have a good time in your art class, you have had some wonderful projects. -- Grama Jackie
- on May 3, 2017
WOW, Cobus!! that looks like a lot of work! Very nicely done! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on May 3, 2017
Another great job by my boy. LOVE YOU -- Samuel
- on April 12, 2017
HOW COOL!!! I used to love to make anything with clay! but you are really creative! I love it!!!!! Cant wait to see it in real life!!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on April 12, 2017
I did not see this until just now! I am so happy i got to see it because I LOVE IT!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on April 12, 2017
I love your ceramic basket! You certainly get to do fun and interesting projects in your art class! Keep up the good work! -- JGrama Jackie
- on April 6, 2017
This would be a wonderful necklace! -- Grama Jackie
- on March 22, 2017
What an adorable fish! Love you -- Grama Jackie
- on March 22, 2017
Dear Cobus, I love this! You always use beautiful colors and exciting subjects. Keep up the good work ?????? -- Grama Jackie
- on March 22, 2017
Nice job again Cobus. I love you. -- Daddy
- on March 21, 2017
You always make me proud that you are my son. You try so hard with everything that you do and it shows. Keep it up my boy. -- Samuel
- on March 14, 2017
Love the colors on this!! Very pretty!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on March 14, 2017
Super cute!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on March 14, 2017
Beautiful work! You always use wonderful color combinations. I am so happy you can share your artwork with us, it just gets better and better. -- Grama Jackie
- on February 13, 2017
Cobus, Good job buddy it's looks great keep up the good work -- Cameron
- on January 9, 2017
Cobus, I used to love working with clay when I was little. Keep up the good work and always have fun when doing these beautiful pieces of art -- Dad
- on January 5, 2017
Another great piece of art Cobus! Keep it up... I love seeing your beautiful ideas come to life. Love you buddy ? Aunt Ruthie -- Ruthann
- on January 5, 2017
What a beautifully decorated heart. It must have been so much fun working with clay ! Good job, Cobus. -- Grama Jackie
- on January 5, 2017
NICE JOB!!! I love love love this!!! Uncle Chris says, "Your pictures keep getting better and better! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on December 14, 2016
Cobus, This is your best one yet. You just keep getting better and better with your art work. You always make me so proud. Keep up the good work in art class and in school and remember us Ross boys play hard but work harder. Keep it up. I love u my little man. -- Dad
- on December 10, 2016
WOW Cobus.... this is really great! Love owls ?? You are such a good artist! -- Aunt Ruthie
- on December 10, 2016
I really love this picture and how you used the shades of blue color. You get more amazing all the time. -- Grama Jackie
- on December 10, 2016
I love all your great works of art, keep up the good work. We all are so proud of you. -- Grama Jackie
- on December 10, 2016
To my son Cobus, Another great picture Cobus. You always use such amazing colors and put them together so well. I love you and you always make me very proud of you with everything you do. Dad. -- dad
- on November 13, 2016
I really like your train! You always use such nice bright colors, I don't know which one of your pictures I like best. Glad I don't have to choose one because I love them all! Keep up the good work, will be looking forward to seeing more. -- Grama Jackie
- on November 13, 2016
This is an awesome train!!! Chris likes the orange smoke coming from the smoke stack. I live getting to see your great art work!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on November 14, 2016
Love your beautiful fall tree?? -- Jackie
- on October 31, 2016
love it! great artwork cobus ?? -- aunt ruthy
- on October 21, 2016
NICE!! Love the deep colors of fall! Keep up the good work!!! Cant wait for more great art work!!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on October 20, 2016
Cobus, What a great picture Cobus. It looks so real. You used all of the right colors to make this tree look so beautiful. Always remember how proud I am of you and what a big boy you have become. Keep up the good work. I love you. -- Samuel
- on October 19, 2016
Cobus, Another great job with your beautiful tree that you made. The colors are so perfect. It looks like the real thing. You make me very proud my son. Love Daddy -- Daddy
- on October 19, 2016
Wow, Cobus!! I am impressed!! I love the bright colors!! I can't wait to see what other near art work you make for us all to see!!!! -- Auntie Saralyn
- on October 4, 2016
Cobus!! I am so excited to see your artwork, you did such a great job. It's very exciting to know that you can create such beautiful pictures. I'm excited to see what you can come up with next. Love you so much and hope to see you soon. -- Ruthy
- on October 4, 2016
Its so colorful Cobus. Grandma Jackie even made it into an iPad cover for herself. We all are excited to see more. You always make me proud. Keep up the great work my boy. Love you. -- Samuel
- on October 4, 2016
I love this colorful picture! I cant wait to see what else you can make. -- Grama Jackie