Evelyn4324's Comments (36)

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Below are comments about Evelyn4324's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Future artistic genius. Grandma Marcia
-- Marcia
- on March 27, 2019
You are a creative genius Evelyn!!
-- Kevin
- on March 6, 2019
This is awesome! It looks like a real Van Gogh painting!
-- Sara
- on November 7, 2018
Wow...it is like in 3-D world
-- Dad
- on September 24, 2018
Love the alligator!
-- Sara
- on April 20, 2018
Hi Evelyn! Another beautiful piece of artwork!!
-- Sara
- on April 20, 2018
It has heart eyes and sharp teeth. Friendly and Scary at the same time!
-- Kevin
- on April 17, 2018
Scary but yet friendly all at the same time!!
-- Kevin
- on March 21, 2018
You are a natural artist I ordered 4 more of your magnets for my necklace. I can't wait to wear them. Love Grandma
-- Marcia
- on March 14, 2018
So colorful. I just love it!
-- Sara
- on March 7, 2018
Here fishy fishy! So cool
-- Sara
- on March 7, 2018
Looks even better in person. You did a great job working with clay!
-- Sara
- on March 7, 2018
Now that is very, very good
-- Dad
- on February 28, 2018
Evelyn...you are turning into a fantastic artist. I love the googly eyes!!
-- Dad
- on February 7, 2018
Very good detail. You fish look happy :)
-- Kevin
- on January 25, 2018
Wow, what an artist. Fish look fantastic
-- Marcia
- on January 25, 2018
That is super awesome Evelyn
-- Kevin
- on December 27, 2017
That is a beautiful Christmas tree
-- Kevin
- on December 27, 2017
You are very talented. I love your recent picture.
-- Marcia
- on December 27, 2017
Wow ?? I love it!
-- Sara
- on December 5, 2017
Sweet camouflage Evelyn!
-- Sara
- on December 5, 2017
Super cute owl!
-- Sara
- on October 29, 2017
Wow Evelyn...you really grown up over the year with your art. Very impressive!!
-- Dad
- on December 27, 2017
You are a very good artist. Grandma is so proud of you.
-- Marcia
- on December 27, 2017
My favorite color is the middle red. Looks like it is staring at me.
-- Dad
- on May 10, 2017
This is so colorful! You are a great mosaic artist! ?? Mom
-- Sara
- on May 3, 2017
Absolutely fabulous. Even better when you brought it home.
-- Dad
- on April 4, 2017
That is a lot of lady bugs...good thing they look so cute!
-- Dad
- on May 3, 2017
I love your heart!!
-- Sara
- on January 16, 2017
Evelyn I really like the smile on your puzzle piece! Love your face! From mom and dad
-- Sara
- on December 7, 2016
I love the owl,you did such a good job. I hope to order something that you made.
-- Marcia
- on December 7, 2016
You already draw better than dad and you are only 6
-- Kevin
- on December 2, 2016
Your train is so colorful! I like the numbers too!
-- Sara
- on November 22, 2016
This is some really pretty artwork Evie!!!
-- Lydia
- on November 8, 2016
This is some really pretty artwork Evie!!!
-- Lydia
- on November 8, 2016
Love your beautiful tree! It is very colorful ?????? Love, Mom and Dad
-- Mom
- on November 3, 2016