I love this Ava.. and the little itty bitty one is adorable. Keep up the good work baby girl love you, Dar Dar
- Dar Dar (Legal guardian) on December 1, 2021
Ava... you are such a good artist. Keep up the great work. Love dardar
- Dar Dar (Legal guardian) on December 10, 2019
Your artwork is so colorful and beautiful. I love it. Love dardar
- Dar Dar (Legal guardian) on October 15, 2019
Ava, love your city art. Great job! -- Dar Dar
- on April 14, 2019
Ava, I love your Snowman. And I extra love his little ice skates and the ice skating pond. What great artistry! Love you, dar dar -- Dar Dar
- on February 5, 2019
I love your colorful owl. You are a very good drawer also. I could never draw an owl like you did. Great job Ava I love you -- Dar Dar
- on October 9, 2018
I love your Monster. She is cute...not scarey!!! -- Dar Dar
- on October 2, 2018
Baby Girl... This is my favorite one so far. You know how we LOVE the ocean! Great work!!! Love you.. Dar Dar -- Dar Dar
- on April 30, 2018
Hi Ava, Dar Dars daughter..... This is so pretty cool. You have great art talent! I love you baby girl. Keep learning the beauty of Art. Love always, Dar Dar -- Dar Dar