Madison Love this black & white Of course I knew that pony tail was you:) Keep up good work. Always fun to see what you you are doing in art class. Love ya Grandma Susan
- Susan on January 26, 2022
Hi Madison! I love your new artwork. I love the colors and the nice design, and it just makes me happy. ?? Love you! ?? Grandpa Larry
- Grampa Larry on October 20, 2021
I always love to see what you've created in art class! I would like to hear more about cubism. This piece is very interesting! Great job!
- Nana on October 20, 2021
Hi, Madison! I really love your artwork showing things that tell the viewer what you like (love) and the kinds of things that make you special. Of course, I see your big heart, a tiger, watermelon, your beautiful blue eyes that are very observant, blue skies that show you are a positive person, green grass for outdoor stuff, lots of crosses that show you love Jesus...and, so much more. Is that a candy sucker?! :-) Great job!
- Jeanne on September 8, 2020
Madison I love this art work! You continue to amaze me. Love the colors. Just makes me smile when I look at it. Know that Jesus loves you and so do I.
- Grandma Susan on March 11, 2020
Madison Love the color wheel. You taught me something about mixing colors. Look forward to your pieces this year. Each year it seems to just get better and better. Love Grandma Susan
- on March 11, 2020
Madison Love the Brilliant colors. Might be one of my favorites. You just keep Amazing me with your art work. Love ya Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on June 10, 2019
Madison I know you have loved tigers for a long time. This is an excellent drawing! Your art ability continues to amaze me Love Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on June 10, 2019
Madison what a beautiful cardinal We love it when a cardinal comes to our bird feeder Keep up your good work. Love you Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on June 10, 2019
Wow, Madison. I love this. A beautiful male Cardinal, my favorite winter bird. -- Grampa Larry
- on June 10, 2019
Happy Valentine's Day! That's what I LOVE about this picture - - all the beautiful hearts in each square! Hearts, hearts everywhere! This picture makes my heart happy! -- Jeanne
- on June 10, 2019
I love this artwork. The colors are so pretty! Your picture makes me want to know more about the story! Please tell me all about it! -- Jeanne
- on June 10, 2019
Madison another great piece. Always look forward to seeing your art. Bright colors just like you!! Hope you have a seeet Valentines Day! Love ya Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on June 10, 2019
- on June 10, 2019
Madison I really like elf cute face. Made me smile big. Love your art!! Keep up good work. Love ya :) Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on June 10, 2019
Madison this one made me smile big!! Really cute face on elf. Your art work always amazes me. Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on June 10, 2019
Madison, I absolutely LOVE this artwork. I didn't know you could use white to brighten up the picture. Great job! Love you! -- Nana
- on November 22, 2018
Madison, I absolutely love this underwater fish picture. The colors are wonderful! The two fish friends look very pretty swimming next to each other. Their colors are magnificent! Love, Nana -- Jeanne
- on November 22, 2018
Madison I some how missed this one. This maybe one of my favorites. Love the colors. I love the Fall Season!! Love ya Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on November 22, 2018
Madison so excited to see your first art this school year. Love the colors! Looking forward to this years art work. Love ya Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on November 22, 2018
Madison, Nana loves your picture! I love all the different shapes I can see. Great job! Nana -- Jeanne
- on July 4, 2018
Madison, I love this artwork! The creative use of shapes and colors makes your piece very fun and interesting! I looked up the original painting by Senecio by Paul Klee and I think you did a wonderful job of imitating his fun style. Keep up the great work! -- Nana
- on July 4, 2018
Madison What a great year seeing your art work!! I continued to be amazed at your progress!! Keep drawing this summer too. See you soon. Love ya Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on July 4, 2018
Madison I know you had to love the story on the tiger in the tree because you love tigers. Your drawing is amazing! I wish I had art class when I was in school. See ya soon Love ya bunches :) Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on July 4, 2018
How cute! Love it, Madison!Keep up the great work! -- GrampaLarry
- on July 4, 2018
Madison Another great art piece!! I am happy you are in my family. Love ya Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on March 14, 2018
Madison, I love this self-portrait you created of yourself! I especially like your earrings and your colorful winter clothing. Who doesn't love a pretty purple hat? Love Nana -- Jeanne
- on March 14, 2018
Great job on this picture, Madison! I love the bright colors and all of the stars! Nana -- Jeanne
- on March 14, 2018
Madison your Santa made me giggle out loud ! It is so cute So enjoy your art pieces. Love You Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on March 14, 2018
Madison I love the colors!! Fall is my favorite season. You just keep amazing me;):) Love Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on November 1, 2017
Madison How exciting to see your first grade art piece!!They always make grandma smile :):) Look forward to more art pieces this year!! Enjoy your art class Xoxo -- Grandma Susan
- on November 1, 2017
Hello Madison, I love this picture! So colorful and I love all the flowers, trees and grass. His tongue is so long! Great job! -- Jeanne
- on November 1, 2017
Madison, this puppy is just so precious! I love his spots, even if he does need a bath. He's a very happy puppy, I can tell. His collar and name tag are so cute! Love you, Nana -- Jeanne
- on November 1, 2017
Madison another great piece of art work. I can tell you are having fun! Keep up the good work. Love you Grandma Susan :) -- Susan
- on November 1, 2017
Madison you just keep Amazing me with your ability to draw so well. Your lion gave me a big smile today!! I can't wait to give you a Grrr Big Hug. Lots of Love Always. Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on March 26, 2017
Madison, I love this picture! The colors are so beautiful! Your fish looks like a beautiful, glittery rainbow. Love, Nana -- Nana
- on March 26, 2017
Madison, that is so cute! I love fish and and I love you. Grandpa -- Larry
- on March 26, 2017
I love your precious, red handprint and all the colorful hearts on your page! Great job! Love you, Nana. -- Jeanne
- on March 26, 2017
Madison, I absolutely LOVE your snowman! He looks so happy; like he's dancing in the snow! His green buttons are really pretty, too. Great job! I also like the letters in your name. You did a great job with your handwriting, too! Love, Nana -- Jeanne
- on March 26, 2017
Madison- You continue to amaze me with your art work! Always look forward to a new piece. You are such a good student & I am proud of you. Happy Valentines Day to you sweet girl. Love Grandma Susan -- Grandma Susan
- on March 26, 2017
Madison I really love this bear with his colorful quilt. You keep amazing me with your art. Looking forward already to the next piece. Love G Susan -- G Susan
- on March 26, 2017
Madison Each art piece has been very colorful. I am enjoying Seeing your work! I am wearing a piece of your art in my necklace. Such fun because I can show my friends your Colorful art work. Keep up the good work. You are an amazing K student. Love ya xo Grandma Susan -- Susan
- on March 26, 2017
I love your artwork Madison! You are so creative! -- Stephanie
- on December 27, 2016
Madison, I love your cat, moon and stars picture! I think it is fantastic! It looks like you had fun creating the picture. Love, Nana -- Jeanne
- on December 27, 2016
This looks great! I love all the different colors and textures! -- Aunt Megan
- on December 27, 2016
I love looking at all the letters in this picture. I see so many letters including the "J" which is the first letter of my first name! Great job. -- Jeanne
- on December 27, 2016
Madison, I love, love ,love your shape train! The colors are beautiful and your shapes look perfect! -- Jeanne
- on December 27, 2016
Madison you are doing such colorful & beautiful art work!!!! Can't wait to see more Love You :) -- Susan
- on October 17, 2016
Madison, I love your new artwork. It is so bright and colorful just like you. The shapes are fun and I love the way you made such a happy picture. Thank you for making it! I can't wait to see what you do next. -- Grampa_Larry