Annabelle2057's Comments (46)

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Below are comments about Annabelle2057's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Holy cow! What a colorful bunch of birds. That must have taken a lot of time.
- Grandpa on July 7, 2021
Very cool Annabelle.
- Grandpa on June 2, 2021
a NEW favorite for Nana!!!
- Nana on June 2, 2021
This Toucan is stunning! Great work Annabelle!!!
- Nana on June 2, 2021
Very color full bird , looks to me like something you would find in Hawaii.
- Grandpa on June 2, 2021
That's one serious looking eagle. Great job.
- Grandpa on June 2, 2021
Very creative, nice thing to do with an umbrella. Stay dry!
- Grandpa on April 28, 2021
I love this! Great color and imagination!!!!
- Nana on April 28, 2021
Very nice, I'm not sure what that type of opposite shapes is but I like it.
- Grandpa on March 10, 2021
Good job Annabelle, lots hearts, lots of love floating around.
- Grandpa on March 3, 2021
Abelle- you are so talented! Your art work is amazing !! so very proud of you !!
- Nana on February 17, 2021
Nice turtle, very good work.
- Grandpa on February 17, 2021
Very good, I always liked the poppies.
- Grandpa on February 10, 2021
I think this poppy is my new favorite!!!!
- Nana on February 10, 2021
Nice pyramid shape and design. Very good work.
- Grandpa on January 20, 2021
peace, smile with tongue out,very cool
- grandpa on January 20, 2021
Nice job , very neat and clean.
- Grandpa on December 23, 2020
These are awesome.
- Grant on February 26, 2020
Awesome work.
- Grant on February 26, 2020
Wow Annabelle! This looks like it took some real time and focus. Its beautiful!
- Marissa on February 17, 2020
Nice work, I really like all the colors in the sky.
- Grandpa on January 29, 2020
Dear Annabelle, You are a gifted artist! This is beautiful!!
- Nana on December 26, 2019
Very colorful and neatly done. Merry Christmas.
- Grandpa on December 26, 2019
Beautiful Pumpkins! XOXO Mom & Dad
- Lindsey (Mother) on December 4, 2019
My goodness this is fantastic! The detail realistic. You are so talented. You can be very proud of yourself!
- Nana on December 4, 2019
Really nice Annabelle, real looking pumkins.
- Grandpa on December 4, 2019
Annabelle! I really love the dimension and design of this! Very creative! Nana xoxo
- Nana on October 30, 2019
Nice job on your American Flag. You did a great job! XOXO mom & dad
- Lindsey (Mother) on October 23, 2019
Very nice triple flag , keep up the good work.
- Grandpa on October 30, 2019
I like it!!
-- Grandpa
- on July 3, 2019
This is very neat! Nice work! We love it! XOXO - Mom & Dad
-- Lindsey
- on March 6, 2019
Great job. I like it.
-- Grandpa
- on March 6, 2019
Beautiful! The music notes are perfect. You must have worked very hard on this! -XOXO Mommy
-- Lindsey
- on February 18, 2019
Looks like a happy song.
-- Grandpa
- on February 13, 2019
Your Aunt Cassie would love this!!! I do too!!
-- Nana
- on February 13, 2019
Very nice work, I really like the colors.
-- Grandpa
- on December 26, 2018
Nice shells, I feel like I can hear the ocean.
-- Grandpa
- on December 5, 2018
Annabelle, I really like this art you created! The shells have a lot of demension. Nicely done!
-- Nana
- on December 5, 2018
This is amazing! Love all the detail and letters.
-- Nana
- on June 21, 2017
Looks like a lot of hard work, good job.
-- Bruce
- on June 14, 2017
Annabelle, I really like your schoolhouse picture! You thought of everything! Shingles, windows and a chimney. Very nicely drawn!!! From Nana
-- Nana
- on June 7, 2017
Excellent detail Annabelle!
-- Josh
- on May 31, 2017
Great job Annabelle! I really like all the colors!
-- Josh
- on May 31, 2017
Annabelle, Gramp and I love your artwork and are happy we bought some earlier this year! We are excited to see much more from you. Love Nana and Grandpa.
-- Nana
- on May 31, 2017
So very colorful! I love it!!
-- Pamela
- on December 14, 2016
-- Lindsey
- on December 12, 2016