This is a great piece of work. Grammy and I love the art piece and we are proud of the work you do. Keep it up. -- Walter
- on April 25, 2019
Emily I love this work!!! Great job, the colors you chose and the contrast are amazing. Mom -- Kathy
- on December 11, 2018
Emily - love your latest piece of art! The colors are just fabulous! Keep up the awesome work! Love you lots! Aunt Keri -- Keri
- on December 12, 2018
Very nice artwork! Keep up the good work. -- Walter
- on March 14, 2018
Hi Emily - I love your artwork! The colors you chose here are beautiful!! Keep up the awesome job! Love you - auntie Keri -- Keri
- on January 17, 2018
I love it. Great job by a wonderful and creative girl. -- Gregg
- on November 22, 2017
Emily- I love your artwork! Please tell me all about it. Mom -- Kathy
- on November 13, 2017
Emily I love the colors you chose! The colors formed together to create some awesome effects in the top right of your picture. XO Mom -- Kathy
- on November 6, 2017
Emily I love the colors that you chose in your weaving. They contrast each other. Did it take you a long time to weave? I would love to try this at home!!! XO Mom -- Kathy
- on April 26, 2017
Emily- What a beautiful house with all that snow. Love you my little artist Mom -- Kathy
- on January 23, 2017
Emily this is awesome!!! I love the colors you chose,your eyelashes really stand out. You are such an artist!!! All my love, Mom -- Kathy
- on December 20, 2016
Emily this is super cool. I love the colors and the shapes you created. You are such an artist!!! -- Mom
- on October 16, 2016
Wow Emily!!! Great job, I love the colors you chose. -- Mom