Zachary543's Comments (108)

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Below are comments about Zachary543's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Hi Zach!I Like Your Artwork
- on April 24, 2007
Zach, this is beautiful, dad
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
Nice artwork
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
that looks so cool
- on April 16, 2007
Nice art work
- on April 16, 2007
What grade did you do this in because its nice
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
Nice artwork
- on April 16, 2007
Nice artwork
- on April 16, 2007
cool artwork (ZACh)
- on April 16, 2007
Hello Zach this is shean I like your artwork it is really neat . Wasn't it fun well it was fun to me at least. I like when you have to blow into the straw. But lets get back to your cool artwork. I liked the design you made it reminds me of when I fell into mud that was the same shape as this it was not fun. I also liked the colors you used. I love art do you? maybe we can get together soon and think of the dance for the talent show! But anyway nice artwork !!!!!!!!!!, Your friend , shean
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
this is so neat
- on April 16, 2007
Ok this is just so cool you should try it!!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
Cool artwork, Julia
- on April 16, 2007
nice weaving
- on April 16, 2007
Nice artwork, Shean
- on April 16, 2007
Cool artwork!!
- on April 16, 2007
I like this artwork!!!!!!!!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
very cool
- on April 16, 2007
Very cool
- on April 16, 2007
Very cool,zach
- on April 16, 2007
nice buildings Zach
- on April 16, 2007
cool art..................
- on April 16, 2007
zach cool
- on April 16, 2007
sweet artwork Zach
- on April 16, 2007
Hi Zach, This drawing came out great! John
- on April 16, 2007
Hi Zach, It's Sean again. Your weaving is better than mine ( not)! Sean
- on April 16, 2007
Hi Zach, This picture came out great. Janna
- on April 16, 2007
Hi Zach, I like your artwork- this one is cool. Sean
- on April 16, 2007
Cool artwork Zach from, zach
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
nice artwork!!!!! from Zach
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
cool artwork.
- on April 16, 2007
THIS IS SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
I like the colors!!!!!!!!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
is this really mine
- on April 16, 2007
coll artwork Julia
- on April 16, 2007
nice artwork Zach, Matt
- on April 16, 2007
cool sweet awesome nice wow
- on April 16, 2007
I like the colors. Zach
- on April 16, 2007
I like it Zach,Julia
- on April 16, 2007
Great artwork its really nice!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
NICE weaving!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
- on April 16, 2007
Cool artwork this is very neat from ZAACCCHHHH
- on April 16, 2007
Cool artwork, Zach
- on April 14, 2007
Nice artwork ZZAACCHH
- on April 14, 2007
I love the art work. from, Matt
- on April 14, 2007
Nice weaving Zach. from, the color patterns (Zach)
- on April 14, 2007
this can not be mine its to neat!!! from, Zach
- on April 14, 2007
N N Nice artwork Zach. from, Zach
- on April 14, 2007
Is this really mine because it looks like a real artist. Sincerely Zachary
- on April 13, 2007
I love your artwork!!!!!mom
- on April 13, 2007
Sweet artwork
- on April 13, 2007
cool art work Zach your friend Zach
- on April 13, 2007
nice weaving!!!
- on April 13, 2007
Sweet artwork come to my house and draw. from zach
- on April 13, 2007
How did you do that oh........ is that mine YES IT IS I love my artwork oh yes I do
- on April 13, 2007
Cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From matt
- on April 13, 2007
Cool artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from, zach
- on April 13, 2007
This is cool how did you do that its sweet! how did you do that. from, julia
- on April 13, 2007
nice keep it up
- on April 12, 2007
Sweet artwork.
- on April 12, 2007
wow how did you do that from, zach
- on April 12, 2007
- on April 12, 2007
Sweet artwork!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- on April 12, 2007
- on April 12, 2007
That looks so cool. Keep up the good work!!!!, Mom
- on April 12, 2007
this looks neat, zach
- on April 12, 2007
Nice artwork, matt
- on April 12, 2007
This project was really fun. I liked using the scissors! If you are reading this you should try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From, Zach
- on April 12, 2007
Nice artwork! From, Zach
- on April 12, 2007
This is neat.Love Mom
- on April 11, 2007
Nice artwork!From,Mom
- on April 11, 2007
You are quite talented Zach. Keep up the good work. Love, Julia
- on April 11, 2007
I did this so neat I made a example for Mrs.Petrillo. From, Zach
- on April 11, 2007
Is this cool or what?It is so fun try it! From, Zach
- on April 11, 2007
Did you paint this because it is nice? From, Julia
- on April 11, 2007
cool artwork Zach. That was fun when I was in 3rd grade. Your freind, Matt
- on April 11, 2007
Great artwork Zach. From, Julia
- on April 11, 2007
Cool artwork its neat. From Julia
- on April 11, 2007
Nice artwork. From Julia
- on April 11, 2007
Nice artwork its very neat. From Frank
- on April 11, 2007
This is A nice artwork. From Devin
- on April 11, 2007
Zach - your the best
- on April 1, 2007
This is the best artwork ever From Zach
- on April 1, 2007
I love this project From Zach
- on April 1, 2007
This is my best art work ever
- on April 1, 2007
Zach, I like the movement of the figures, Nice job! Susan
- on March 31, 2007
Hi Zach, This and your Freeform painting are my favorites. You are a wonderful artist. Susan
- on March 31, 2007
Hi Zach, Love your weaving, great color pattern. Matt
- on March 31, 2007
Great weaving Zach !Keep up the god work. Love, Mom
- on April 1, 2007
Zachary, GREAT JOB! I am so proud of your work! You are quite the talented artist! Sincerely, Mrs. Kimock
- on March 17, 2007
I really like your artwork! It's good.
- on March 2, 2007
Zach, Great project, keep up the good work. Susan
- on March 2, 2007
Hi Zach! I love your art work. your friend, ANTHONY.
-- from Anthony
- on November 16, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 16, 2006
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on November 16, 2006