Anthony764's Comments (11)

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Below are comments about Anthony764's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Very creative Anthony, Great Job!!! Uncle Joe
- on October 20, 2008
WOW! I am so impressed! Great job on the artwork! You are very creative Anthony! Very proud of you! Keep up the great work! -Melissa
- on October 18, 2008
Great job Anthony!
- on October 18, 2008
Great artwork last year. Can't wait to see new ones this year. Love, Mom
- on October 18, 2008
Great artwork last year. Can't wait to see what you do this year. Love, Mom
- on October 18, 2008
Hi Anthony!Your artwork is great.Wow!
- on October 18, 2008
Sweet artwork Ant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your friend, Zach
- on October 18, 2008
Nice artwork! From, zach
- on October 18, 2008
Hi Ant its Zach I like your artwork From Zach
- on October 18, 2008
Anthony loved your art work you really did a great job Love Nanny xxxooo
-- from nanny
- on May 11, 2005
Congratulations on publishing your newest artwork from all your friends at Artsonia!
-- from Artsonia
- on May 11, 2005