Grandpa never caught a fish as grand as that one when he lived in the north!! -- Roger
- on May 23, 2018
Nice colors Micah! -- Roger
- on May 23, 2018
Micah it looks like a perfect heart. When Jesus lives in it then you know it is a perfect heart. -- Roger
- on February 14, 2018
Nice work! Good use of colors! -- Roger
- on February 14, 2018
this is my favorite for this year! -- Brenda
- on December 19, 2017
Looks nice Micah. Colorful and creative! -- Roger
- on December 19, 2017
I agree with Dad it must be modern art because being an old guy like me I can say it is not olden art. -- Grandpa B
- on December 19, 2017
I like your primary colors. I guess this is called modern Art. I will have to ask your mom for sure I'm very proud of you Mr. 3rd grade -- Dad
- on October 4, 2017
Nice work. I like your creativity -- Roger
- on October 4, 2017
Hey Micah, good job! Maybe your mom can make some these hats -- Roger
- on February 22, 2017
Good work Micah! -- Roger
- on January 4, 2017
lol great micah!! -- Brenda
- on December 12, 2016
Micah good going! You need to ask your Dad or Mom. "What came first? The chicken or the egg? -- Grandpa B
- on December 12, 2016
Great job Micah. Grandma & Me think it is wonderful that you draw pictures celebrating the Advent of our Lord Jesus. I imagine you get to hear how Jesus's good friend John The Baptist told about the coming of a Savior that would take all our sins away. Keep up the good work! We Love you very much and give your Sister & Brother a kiss for us. -- Grandpa B
- on November 10, 2016
Great choice of colors -- Roger
- on October 3, 2016
Micah--love your color choices and the blending of your vines! -- Renee
- on October 3, 2016
Looks great Micah!! Keep up the good work and use the gift God has given you. -- Grandpa
- on October 3, 2016
Great job! Good choice of colors! Keep doing it! -- Roger
- on October 3, 2016
It looks like Mom is going to help you be an artist! Keep up the good work and we will be watching for more pictures. Love you -- Grandpa