Your trees look very 3-dimensional. Some appear closer and others farther away. What a lovely fall day you have illustrated. -- GiGi
- on November 21, 2018
Keith Haring is the master at drawing faceless, energetic people and you have copied his style wonderfully. I especially like the outline designs on your character. You added your own personal touch for another creative result. -- Gigi
- on March 29, 2017
HANDS UP FOR LOVE! I really like this artistic creation. Well done! -- GiGi
- on February 15, 2017
In this picture, I am seeing a fun-filled dancer on a big box, loving the music, and just letting go...maybe even in a dance contest! Now, who could I be thinking about? Very detailed and imaginative, as always! Wonderful. -- GiGi
- on February 15, 2017
Your winter wonderland picture is so full of interesting details. I want to chat with your whimsical characters, but I may need hot cocoa with lots of whipped cream to "talk about it" with the gang in your wintry town. Brr-rr! I am loving your artistic talent and your attention to even the smallest detail. I can hardly wait for your next project to be posted. -- GiGi
- on January 18, 2017
Alia, I love your new artwork of the winter holiday scene. You are so creative! -- Grandma Judy
- on January 18, 2017
This little monster made me smile. I enjoy seeing your artwork! -- Mema
- on January 4, 2017
What beautiful blue eyes! It seems as though this little guy should speak to Santa regarding a job on his sled Christmas Eve. With his bright, red nose, he and Rudolph could really guide that sleigh! I love the dabs of color on his face. You are an outstanding artist, to be sure. -- Gigi
- on January 4, 2017
Love this. The colors are so harmonious. I would like to be one of the little birds flying in the lovely sky with its family. Keep painting, Ggma -- Judy
- on November 8, 2016
This bird painting is adorable. i love the colors, composition, and the unique expressions on each little birdie. Love it! One of my favorites. Ggma -- Judy
- on November 8, 2016
Absolutely love your use of three primary colors with the striking black accents, in this wonderful abstract piece.The whimsical circles and swirls around the work compliment the colorful geometric shapes and frame it beautifully. I can see this painted on a large 36"x48" canvas, hanging over someone's sofa. Great job, sweetie! Keep painting. Love, Your great gma in ok -- Judy
- on November 8, 2016
Love it! -- Deanna
- on November 4, 2016
This monster just puts me in the mood for Halloween. It appears as though he wants to be scary, but with those beautiful lashes and cute, little ears, I am guessing he is really a sweetie pie! Thank you for showing me how to draw this "monstrous" guy. You are an excellent teacher, as well as a great artist. -- GiGi
- on November 1, 2016
Well done, Aila! The combination of shapes and colors, accented by the straight black lines of varying widths, contributed to the overall appeal of this design. It is evident that your artistic talent and imagination danced nicely together for this art piece. Then, you added my favorite part...the border design of swirls, curvy lines, and well-balanced accent buttons. You simply "fastened" that border on your design in a most creative way. Keep up the great work. -- GiGi
- on October 26, 2016
Dear Aila, I want to be a fish or a bird in your picture! Your artistic blending of colors for the sky simply puts a smile on my face, and your fish look happy too! You have created another joyful picture. When we go to the beach next summer, I hope I hope we see a scene just like this one. awesome! -- Gi-Gi
- on September 30, 2016
Oh, such beautiful color combinations and interesting border designs. How imaginative to swirl the facial features and join the nose and mouth with the continuous curl. I hope you will tell me the story of The Dot. Kudos ?? to you Aila. Love you, Gigi -- Gigi