Talk about an Ultimate Battle! Will your next work of art be the winners getting their medals?? Great work! -- Sara/mom
- on October 4, 2018
Fierce, ferocious, hungry dinosaurs! Looks great, Axel! You've really come a long way with your art! -- Sara
- on September 11, 2018
Axel - you nailed it! I definitely wouldn't want to face this fierce Ultimate Warrior in the ring! Great work, buddy. -- Mom
- on April 25, 2018
Thanks for putting that heart in the lizard, Axel - this is one of my favorites! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
Whoa! Lots going on here! I didn't even see the guy in blue at first - I hope he didn't cause the EXPLOSION! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
I'd like to hear the story behind these three colorful characters! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
Hey! Who's hand is that reaching into the pot of gold?? -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
What is that I see? Ice-breath and laser-eyes in outer space?! Go, Superman! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
So many SUPERHEROES! Love it! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
Another deep-sea drawing! Great job, Axel! I like the stars and detail you add to your pictures like the "action lines" by the shark's tail! -- Sara (mom)
- on March 20, 2018
Hey, great bubble letters! I wonder how that animal feels about heading to the zoo! Nice work, Axel! -- Sara/Mom
- on February 27, 2018
Axel, you continue to astound me with your creativity and detail in your drawings! I can't wait to hear the story behind this masterpiece! -- Sara/Mom
- on February 27, 2018
This is one of my favorites, Axel! I love the "thought bubbles" you added, too. :-) Keep on drawing, buddy! -- Mom
- on February 7, 2018
Spooky-looking monster! I think you should color him orange because his arms and legs kind of remind me of giant carrots!! Great job, Ax. -- Sara (mom)
- on October 25, 2017
Love the bright colors in this one! -- Sara (mom)
- on October 25, 2017
All your pictures are getting so detailed! You add lots of different animals, characters, and parts to your drawings that make them all so interesting to look at. Nice job, Axel. -- Mom
- on September 18, 2017
Yup, that's what big fish do when they're hungry! Hmmm, I'm hungry and I'd like to eat a little fish, too!! But maybe the little fish will hide in the kelp and get away? -- Nana Laurie
- on September 18, 2017
Ooh... that's a BIG FISH!!! I bet that little red one is pretty nervous right now! -- Sara (mom)
- on May 9, 2017
This guy is really enjoying himself, doing just what he likes, in a field of your thoughts! I feel like dancing and singing and hugging you when you tell me what you are thinking. -- Nana Laurie
- on May 9, 2017
Axel, this is a really interesting way to make a drawing!! What does your creature think of all the words and numbers!? I think it's fascinating Keep drawing and writing! -- Nana Laurie
- on May 9, 2017
Ooh... barracuda! This is a GREAT painting, Axel! I think a barracuda really COULD be okay with the sky falling - they're so tough! :-) -- Sara/Mom
- on April 17, 2017
I just looked at this picture again, and it made me smile on such a grey rainy day! Thank you for the smile, Axel! -- Nana Laurie
- on April 17, 2017
What a happy picture!!! It reminds me of the time I went to a big aquarium and saw such interesting sea creatures. Do you remember the aquarium at Dubuque? What is the person thinking here? -- Nana Laurie
- on April 17, 2017
Hi, Axel! Thanks for this picture you drew. I'll bet there's a good story about this picture. I hope you enjoy drawing, and keep doing it for a long time. Love you. Grandpa -- Grandpa Jim
- on April 17, 2017
Woo! Neat colors! I really like the layers you used and to see which color was the winner! You are so creative! ~Mom -- Sara
- on March 29, 2017
What kind of beast is that climbing up the mountain? Nice colors in the sky, too! Wonderful! ~Mom -- Sara
- on March 29, 2017
Hey, Buddy! What a cool picture! I can't wait to hear the story that goes with this and put it up on the fridge. Great work! ~Mom -- Sara
- on March 29, 2017
Axel, I really like the way you made a pattern with your markers! You have a steady hand and made the whole picture with the same stroke. You're also learning to draw really straight lines! -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
Oh my, this is serious!!'d like you to draw the "next" picture for this story! -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
Axel, I really like your choice of colors for this one --- especially using the blue outline. and also using yellow for the happy crowd behind the Big Red One! R - E - D and B - L - U - E and Y - E - L - L - O - W !!! -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
Whoa, this is a new creature I haven't seen before! Does it just come out at night? -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day to you too!! -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
Axel, you made me smile with this one! -- Nana Laurie
- on March 29, 2017
It's fun to have this one on a magnet on our frig! Thanks, Axel! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 22, 2017
Will the fish escape being the crocodile's lunch?! Look at the teeth on it, and the scared look on the fish! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 22, 2017
I printed this one out and put it on the frig, Axel! Your drawings of animals are really interesting and realistic! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 22, 2017
Oh, my, something's happening in this scene! I'm glad a creature isn't sneaking up on ME! I like the special effect in the sky - did you use marker on that? -- NanaLaurie
- on February 22, 2017
Thanks for this picture, Axel. Your pictures just get better and better. -- Grandpa Jim
- on February 8, 2017
I'm looking at this again and I'm thinking it's a bee! Am I right? -- NanaLaurie
- on February 8, 2017
This picture makes me hungry for a big chocolate chip cookie! Great job on drawing the person in this one! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 8, 2017
You worked hard on the straight lines in this colorful drawing! The person looks surprised - what happened here? I want to find out more! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 8, 2017
Axel, we are so very happy to see your pictures! Thank you for sharing your art with us! This is beautiful. -- NanaLaurie
- on February 8, 2017
This is a really cool creature!!! What's it looking at? Is it going to eat them? I'd love to hear to tell me the story about this one when we see you next time! Keep drawing and imagining and using that terrific brain of yours!! -- NanaLaurie
- on February 8, 2017
I would love to hear the story about this picture, Axel. Maybe you can tell me the next time you come to visit! -- Grandpa Jim
- on February 8, 2017
Your drawing just keep getting better and better, Axel. Keep it up! -- Grandpa Jim
- on February 8, 2017
Hey, Axel, did you add more to your drawing? You're a good THINKER when you go back to your work and add more! -- Laurie
- on February 8, 2017
I could tell right away this was a hot air balloon! You are so creative! -- Sara (mom)
- on February 8, 2017
Oooh! Spooky! I really like the GIANT RED EYES!!! -- Sara (mom)
- on November 22, 2016
Wow! Another nice picture. Thanks, Axel! -- Grandpa Klosterboer
- on November 22, 2016
I like it! I wish you could tell me about this picture, Axel. -- Grandpa Klosterboer
- on November 22, 2016
There are are so many things in this beautiful picture! I think it's awesome how you used the whole paper. -- Sara/Mom
- on November 2, 2016
What a big creature! -- Sara/Mom
- on November 2, 2016
Cool color choices, Axel! I like how you use different colors than I've seen you use before. -- Sara/Mom
- on November 2, 2016
One of my favorites, for sure! -- Sara/Mom
- on November 2, 2016
Great drawing, Axel! You've really come a long way with your drawing skills! I really like this fierce beast - so many spikes!! -- Sara/Mom
- on November 2, 2016
I'll bet there's a great story about this one!! Tell me about it next time we see you. (-: -- Nana Laurie
- on November 2, 2016
What a ferocious dragon!!!!!!!! I wonder how we could make this dragon have fun - playing frisbee while flying in the sky?? -- Nana Laurie
- on November 2, 2016
Wow, Axel, you really can make your dragons look threatening and scary!! I really like the colors you use in your pictures. -- NanaLaurie
- on November 2, 2016
ANOTHER nice picture, Axel! -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
I like seeing the characters, the sun, and YOUR NAME! -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
There's a lot to celebrate in looking at this picture, Axel. Thanks for sharing it online. -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
ANOTHER nice painting, Axel. Thanks for sharing it! I really like all the colors! -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
I really like the bright and bold colors, Axel. Reminds me of the colorful leaves on trees this time of year. -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
Wow,you did a lot on this picture. Would like to hear the story to it. Did you do this in art? Thanks for sharing the picture with me. Great job! -- Nana Jan
- on November 2, 2016
ANOTHER nice picture, Axel. Thanks for sharing it online! -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
Wow, Axel! This looks to me like you and all your new friends at kindergarten! Tell me more! Love, Nana -- Laurie
- on November 2, 2016
Hi, Axel. I just saw your drawing and I really like it. It's a nice looking caterpillar and I'll bet that someday it will turn into a butterfly for you. Thanks for sharing it with me! -- Grandpa Jim
- on November 2, 2016
Axel, I am excited that you are going to share your artwork. I liked your idea to change your picture to a caterpillar. Great artwork. Will be looking for more! -- Nana jan
- on November 2, 2016
Axel, you are SO creative! I like that you used the WHOLE paper for your drawing - I really think the orange swirls at the bottom are cool! Great job, buddy! -- Sara (mom)
- on November 2, 2016
Axel, I always love to see your imagination and hear your stories! I wonder what kind of butterfly this caterpillar will turn into! Nana -- Laurie