Norah770's Comments (48)

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Below are comments about Norah770's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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This is such a lovely drawing Norah! I love the contrast of vividly colored branch and leaves with the moonlight of the outside of the orb:). It’s such a sharp contrast on the inky black background! … Really spell-binding and unusual. One can almost feel the contrast viscerally. BRAVO! Keep making beautiful and thought-prolong art in your own unique way! Love, Aunt Bobbie+ Covey
- Barbara on February 13, 2025 NEW
Norah, I love the brilliant AND subtle colors you’ve used in this lovely piece of art! It’s one of my all-time favorites of your works. I can almost hear the birdsong coming from his beak! Keep up the wonderful work you are doing to make this world a bit more beautiful! Love, Aunt Bobbie/Barb
- Barbara on February 13, 2025 NEW
Beautiful artwork, My Sweet Norah!!!??
- Jane on February 13, 2025 NEW
Hi Norah! I love that you are still studying and creating art! Kudos to you????????! I also love seeing that you have your own unique “take” on the projects. I see you expressing your loving perspective in contrast to just drawing the school symbols like Raider’s helmets and paraphernalia of reams and school. It is a broader approach and IMO really expresses what a yearbook is about: lots of different students and activities. BRAVO NORAH!! Love Aunt Bobbie
- Barbara on December 20, 2023
I love all of your artwork, Norah!
- Jane on December 20, 2023
Norah! What a cool use of lines, shapes and color! I love seeing that you are still producing interesting works of creative art:). Keep up the good work! Love, Aunt Bobbie ( September, 2023)
- Barbara on December 20, 2023
What a great use of light and shadow!
- Faye on December 20, 2023
- Faye on December 20, 2023
Wow, Norah! This is a gorgeous piece of art! I love that you actually created foam stamps of the fish: they are your original design! And I can see where you put the salt to make the bubble effect. Your use of color is calm and creative. I can imagine these fish are happy in the little underwater home you have painted.
- Faye on December 20, 2023
What a beautiful flower Norah! Once again I see your lovely use of color and shading. It is so fun to see your creativity and follow your growth as a “budding” artist ( + and today you have THE BUD to prove it:)! Keep up the good work. Love, Aunt Barb xo
- Barbara on December 20, 2023
That is an amazing drawing. You really look hard and see the patterns, and when you paint you bring out the essence of the flower.
- Grandpa David on December 20, 2023
Norah, I love the elegance of this simple flower! It is fun to see you experiment with shading and dimension. It really is wonderful to see your progress! Love, Aunt Bobbie
- Barbara “Bobbie” on December 20, 2023
Wow! I LOVE this piece of art Norah! It is so colorful and imaginative. Like always, I especially love your use of contrasting colors and whimsical subjects and items:) Covey loves seeing a golden retriever peering in they the window in space. It’s like looking in to a fabulous dreamscape. Keep up the great work. Love Aunt Bobbie
- Barbara on December 20, 2023
Space pizza, baby! Love your creativity, Norah!
- Aunt Faye on December 20, 2023
Wow! What a great self-portrait! I love the braces and the barrettes:) HOW clever Norah and it looks so much like you! Also clever use of color with the block drawing of your name. SWEET?????? Ps I just switched to the next page and it showed me all of your drawings that have been published online. AWESOME! What a fabulous body of work you are already creating!
- Aunt Barb on December 20, 2023
Wow! What a great self-portrait! I love the braces and the barrettes:) HOW clever Norah and it looks so much like you! Also clever use of color with the block drawing of your name. SWEET??????
- Aunt Barb on December 20, 2023
Beautiful, Norah! I love that you drew yourself with TWO barrettes! This is great!
- Aunt Faye on December 20, 2023
Yum! A cake in a beautiful room. It looks like the sun is streaming through the window and onto the golden wall behind the cake. That cake looks like one I saw in a dream. It looks delicious! Love how you made the slice out of the cake. It looks like you thought about angles as you drew it. Beautiful!
- Fifi on December 20, 2023
I like this colorful guitar! I think if you could see music, this is what it would look like!
- Aunt Faye on December 20, 2023
That is a beautiful guitar. I want to hear you play it! What song would you play first? G'pa Dave
- David on December 20, 2023
I am so curious about this picture! I wonder if it is feathers or a flower and what the symbols are on the outside! Very intriguing, NORAH! Your picture is making me think. I like the symmetry of this picture. XO
- Aunt Faye on December 20, 2023
Hi NORAH! I love this picture! Is it a picture of you? The tie dye shirt is really cool looking. I like the spiral pattern! And the bubbles in the air look great. It looks like you put a lot of time and care into this drawing. Peace! XO Faye
- Aunt Faye on December 20, 2023
This queen is wearing a very detailed, regal outfit. It has great patterns. Her eyes are mesmerizing! I like to imagine what she is thinking about.
- on December 20, 2023
Wow, I love this bridge in the sunset! (Or is it sunrise, Norah?) The water looks turbulent. Beautiful! I wonder if you felt like you were in the scene when you painted this.
- on December 20, 2023
WOW! That’s your name! Very artistic, Norah! I love it!
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
This is a fluffy, soft snowman! He has a friendly smile and kind eyes. I would like to have some hot cocoa with him... but maybe he should be drinking hot cocoa... maybe cold chocolate milk!
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
This is a fun dancing person! I like their stripes! And the big N! Is it a picture of you, Norah?
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
Ooo, how beautiful! I would like to have a picnic under this tree.
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
Norah, I love the patterns in this painting! It is very geometric. And it reminds me of a crown! It is fun to see your art. XO
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
Norah! I am so excited to see this new work of yours!! You are becoming quite the artist! Not only are you becoming more creative with how you place items in the frame, you are adding dimension to your art. Keep drawing! I am enjoying your growing taller and smarter and learning new things in art and LIFE! Love always, Aunt Bobbie
-- Barbara
- on May 3, 2019
Ooo, those apples look delicious! And shiny! Way to go, Norah!
-- Faye
- on May 3, 2019
Sweet Norah! I love your new artwork! Once again..... your combinations of color and shape are so unique! It is so fun for me to see your unique creative impulses in action:)! Keep them coming....... I’m Waiting and watching and delighting in each and every one I see:). Love, Aunt Bobbie xoxo
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on May 3, 2019
That is a beautiful drawing. He is really dancing!
-- Dave
- on May 3, 2019
Cool! You are a great gold medalist - love the skates. Rock on.
-- Grandpa Dave
- on May 3, 2019
Norah, I love this fox! I can almost see him sneaking into my hen house to steal eggs or a chick. He looks very smart, and very friendly. You are a great artist, Grandma Bonny is smiling down at you!
-- Grandpa Dave
- on May 21, 2018
Norah! I am so happy to see your newest artwork up on the Artsonia website! Once again you have used colors and shapes in such an interesting way:)! I love the shape of Mr Fox and his color too. Once again you have made the most interesting background!! I knew immediately it was your drawing when I saw the beautiful pink, blue and PURPLE spiral. It creates a very interesting movement to the whole picture. I also am happy to see one of “your trees” which I think are verrry Special in this drawing too. KEEP DRAWING FOREVER! Love Aunt Bobbie
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on May 21, 2018
Norah!! I LOVE this picture:) Once again, I see your amazing use of color! It is so bold and adds a lot of emotion and feelings to the picture. Keep drawing!! Love, Aunt Bobbie
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on May 21, 2018
Norah! What a beautiful piece of art you’ve created! I love it:) I really like your bold use of color and the brush strokes for the background are really cool. Congrats on yet another creation! Keep drawing!
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on May 21, 2018
I LOVE seeing your face every time!!! It's especially nice as a NORAH FLOWER ?? :) Keep drawing!! Aunt Bobbie
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on May 21, 2018
Norah, I love the picture of the dog! It must be hard for the dog to see with those glasses on! But he sure is a cutie. G'pa David
-- David
- on April 12, 2017
Norah! I am so impressed with your creative talent and use of colors!! This one really makes me smile:) GREAT EYES!!! Keep up the GREAT work and keep on drawing. Love, Aunt Bobbie
-- Aunt Bobbie
- on April 12, 2017
Whooo is this, Norah? I love the night sky and the moon! What a beautiful picture! Love, your Aunt Faye
-- Faye
- on April 12, 2017
Ooo, Norah! I love this butterfly you colored! And look! You made it symmetrical, just like real butterflies! You chose very nice colors too. I love how you color in the lines! Great work! I am looking forward to seeing the next piece of art you create. Love, Faye
-- Faye
- on April 12, 2017
I love this picture, Norah! Very abstract. I wonder what you were imagining as you painted it. The first thing I was was a turkey, with a yellow beak in the middle and all of his feathers fanning out. I can also see a flower, or the sun. It is very beautiful!
-- Faye
- on December 12, 2016
Norah, This is beautiful. I like the circles and the way the colors change from the middle yellow out to the red/purple outer. I bet that flower smells like lemon and blue berry, and maybe some orange, too.
-- Grandpa David
- on December 12, 2016
Wow, Norah, I love seeing your artwork here! That cat looks pretty wonderful. I wonder if it knows there is a bird on its head! I really like how colorful your artwork is. Keep up the good work, Norah. I can't wait to see what you draw next!
-- Aunt Faye
- on December 12, 2016
Rectangles, Circles, Triangles and Squares. Some are Triplets and Some are Pairs. And several Kidney Beans without the Rice. How Nice!
-- Papa Rue
- on December 12, 2016
Oh my Word. It isn't a Cat with a Hat but a Bird where the Hat should be. How Kooelle is That?
-- Papa Rue
- on December 12, 2016