Abigail17159's Comments (19)

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Below are comments about Abigail17159's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Day of the dead. I have a medal from a race that looks like that
- Jill on February 5, 2020
I love this!!!!
- Jill on February 5, 2020
This looks like a birthday cupcake. Yum
-- Jill
- on November 21, 2018
Under the sea. Under the sea
-- Jill
- on November 21, 2018
Excellent and creative. I like the colors you used
-- Jill
- on November 21, 2018
Close up flowers are really awesome!!! I do you think the flowers would smell good? Lol
-- Jill
- on October 11, 2018
Sooo cute!!!!
-- Jill
- on November 22, 2017
This one reminds me of science class. Cool!!!
-- Jill
- on November 22, 2017
Nice colors The artist captured the birch trees wonderfully Keep up the creative art work!
-- Jill
- on November 22, 2017
Hey froggie!! What's up? This frog looks happy it's summer. Me too!!! The pond by my house has been very noisy with All the frogs lately
-- Aunt jill
- on July 17, 2017
Hi Abby, I have seen your art work and I think you are doing a great job. Kep up the good work.
-- Verne
- on June 29, 2017
-- Jill
- on February 16, 2017
Looks like a rainbow that somehow got inside of this heart. A tie dye rainbow. Very nice. :)
-- Jill
- on February 16, 2017
Adorable -just like the artist!!! I like the blue mouse the best!!! And the red one's big eyes & the yellow one's pointy nose! So cute!!!
-- Jill
- on February 16, 2017
I like the colors in this one!!!
-- Aunt Jill
- on November 23, 2016
I like looking at your artwork!!! This is such a cool website!!! Keep being creative and I will keep looking for more or your awesome artwork!!! :)
-- Aunt Jill
- on November 23, 2016
You have a real eye for art, and this job of recreating a piece of work me of a Van Gough painting. Thhis is a very good piece of art work, keep up the goo work.
-- Grandma Verne
- on November 9, 2016
what a fantastic piece of cave art. Ask your daddy about the cave wall we worked on when he was in 3rd or 4th grade, I showed the class how to paint on the cave walls, I was a volunteer art teacher and showed the class all different kinds of art work from a very long time ago, and left the art work in the class room for a month. Keep up the great work you are doing a great job !
-- Grandma Verne
- on November 9, 2016
Love the flowers, I can almost smell them. XO Mom
-- Gina
- on November 1, 2016