Olorin1's Comments (9)

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Below are comments about Olorin1's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Well, its interesting, Olorin. I'm not really seeing what you describe, but I like the background in the upper left hand corner; the block and white surreal mountain range, and some miniature landscape on the right side. I also see a big black and white mean cat face in the lower left. Blood makes everything more interesting, but I'm not seeing much of a pattern, but maybe Jackson Pollock would! Love, Gmpa Mike
-- Grandpa Mike
- on March 23, 2017
That's interesting, Olorin, but not sure what it is. Looks like a Picasso! Or maybe a cat wearing a red/blue collar, head down towards the bottom? That's it, a road-kill kittie!
-- Grandpa Mike
- on March 23, 2017
Hi Olorin! I like your abstract painting alot. The blue & red make a dramatic contrast with the background color. Well done O man!!
-- Gaga Jo
- on March 23, 2017
Olorin, this is great! It looks like a storm is brewing in the sky. Your perspective is very good and the detail of trees in the foreground is excellent -- all the leaves are gone, so I know the time of year. Way to go, O! Grandma Carole
-- Carole
- on December 14, 2016
Olorin I really love the dramatic look of your picture. The trees are very striking.
-- JoAnne
- on December 8, 2016
Great work my boy. Nice use of perspective! Awesome!
-- Dad
- on December 8, 2016
Olorin, I LIKE your school picture. When I was about 13 I got in trouble for having messed up hair and wearing my jacket for picture day, so, I LOVE IT! Keep up the good work at school, and in art!
-- Gp Mike
- on December 8, 2016
I like this a lot. The texture on the hillside and the contrast in greys. I look forward to you explaining to me how you did it.
-- Marilyn
- on November 23, 2016
I like it, Olorin! Nice balance between foreground and background.
-- Gp Mike
- on November 23, 2016