Renee1279's Comments (33)

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Below are comments about Renee1279's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Great job baby girl! Love you. Grandma
- Marj on May 20, 2020
Great job Ava!!!! Love you keep up the good work!
- Marj on May 20, 2020
Great job Ava!!!! Love you keep up the good work!
- Marj on May 20, 2020
Great job Ava!!!! Love you keep up the good work!
- Marj on May 20, 2020
Great job!???
- Marj on March 4, 2020
This is nice, but, what mood were you in when you drew this. I know you can do better, please try harder.
-- Marj
- on December 26, 2018
Great job, my baby girl. Love your work. Keep it up!
-- Marj
- on April 11, 2018
I really like the colors. I might buy me a shirt with these colors.
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on March 21, 2018
Like your carrots.
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on March 21, 2018
This one is cute! Great job!
-- Anissa
- on March 14, 2018
This one reminds me of Grandpa Victor. Good job
-- Anissa
- on March 14, 2018
I like the colors on this!
-- Anissa
- on March 14, 2018
This is a good drawing! Keep up the good work!
-- Anissa
- on March 14, 2018
Great job Ava, keep up the good work!
-- Grandma Marj
- on February 22, 2018
Merry Christmas, Renee. The Candy Cane comes with the Season and the artwork just fit its. Good Job!!!
-- Grampa Marlin
- on January 3, 2018
That's a cute picture. Keep up the good work!
-- Anissa
- on December 13, 2017
Nice balloon! I like the colors!
-- Anissa
- on November 20, 2017
My dear grand baby-great job! Keep up the good work! The rainbow is awesome! Love you Grandma
-- Marj
- on October 11, 2017
Your artwork about "Dots" is amazing. It remind me of candy on the table. I like very munch...
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on September 21, 2017
Good job, Renee. It is so colorful!
-- Anissa
- on April 24, 2017
WOW!! I really like the snail with all the rainbow colors on its shell. I enjoy all your paintings, so keep up the good work.
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on April 24, 2017
Great job Renee, love the cute kitty and Baba and Gram will be proud to wear it! Keep up the good work. Love Grandma Marj
-- Marj
- on March 29, 2017
Dear Renee you are so creative. I have all your art work. I put them on a necklace. They are awesome. Keep up the good work! Grandma Marj
-- Marj
- on February 22, 2017
As time goes by, I'm looking at all the artwork that you created, I began to like each of them. I'm going to get an shirt with this teddy bear.
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on February 1, 2017
Renee, I love the colors, but I'm also glad the you're learning your A,B, C, and numbers, too. Keep up the good work!
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on February 1, 2017
I'm loving the colors in this picture!
-- Anissa
- on January 18, 2017
Dear Renee sorry I took long in responding, but, my granddaughter your work is awesome, love it! Keep up the good work. Love grandma Marj.
-- Marj
- on November 8, 2016
I really like this one!
-- Mom
- on October 20, 2016
Great dear granddaughter! I am sooo proud of you and the artwork you are producing. Keep up the good work!
-- Gram Marj
- on September 29, 2016
What a beautiful painting!! Keep up the good work. I'll enjoy all the artwork that you'll create, so keep them comimg
-- Grandpa Marlin
- on September 13, 2016
Renee - you are doing an awesome job! Keep up the excellent wok?
-- Marj
- on September 13, 2016
Good job!
-- Mom
- on September 12, 2016
Good job, Renee! I like the colors.??
-- Anissa
- on September 12, 2016