Eden, these two Koi fish look like they are having fun swimming and playing. You did a great job with painting these two Koi. Not an easy task to do. They look great and remind me of some of the Koi fish you had in your pond.
- Grammy on August 26, 2020
Hi Eden you are doing such good art work. I don't know which one I like best. This one is one of my favorites. Keep up the good work I really enjoy seeing them. Love and hugs Nama
- Barbara on August 26, 2020
This is really pretty Eden. Two friends meeting, or perhaps two lovebirds! I wonder. Great job!
- Grammy on June 24, 2020
How did I not see this one before? Such scary and funny faces you made and you gave them very pretty colors. This one makes me smile and I like it. Another great work of art from Eden!
- Grammy on June 24, 2020
Eden, I was so happy to see more art work from you. I really like how you have the red, white and blue rays coming from behind the Statue of Liberty. It looks very patriotic. It reminds me of seeing red, white and blue fireworks going off behind the statue on the Fourth of July. Keep up the good work!
- Grammy on June 24, 2020
Eden, I really like your three kites flying high in the sky. It’s really hard for me to decide which one I like best. Do you have a favorite one? What a beautiful blue sky you made with some puffy white clouds - certainly a great day for flying kites! Good work Eden. Looking forward to seeing more of your art. -- Love, Grammy
- on May 8, 2019
The poppies sure have made the news and you have brought those poppies to life in your wonderful artwork. Eden keep those painting strokes going just the way you are. Your proud Granpa
- on April 10, 2019
Eden, your honey bees look busy making honey in their hive. Great work. -- Grammy
- on March 27, 2019
Eden, I really, really like your heart! It looks like beautiful stained glass and the colors you chose and the way you placed and colored them are perfect. -- Grammy
- on March 27, 2019
Eden, Your root vegetables look like they are ready for you to pull out and eat! Great job - keep up the good work. -- Grammy
- on March 27, 2019
Eden, Love your choice of colors and imagination. Very, very picturesque! Love Grandpa -
- on March 27, 2019
Eden love you sunflower. You are doing such nice art work. I think we have a artist in the family. Love Nana
- on December 12, 2018
Hi Eden, what a pretty sunflower you made. I especially like the background color you used as it really highlights the sunflower. Did you know we had volunteer sunflowers growing in our yard this year? There were 3 of them and they grew very tall and were pretty, just like yours. Keep up the good work. -- Grammy
- on December 12, 2018
Hi Eden, You did a great job on painting the carrots. Do you think your rabbit and cow would enjoy eating them. I bet they would. Love Nana
- on March 28, 2018
Eden, if your Carrots were used in a cake baking contest the cake would be awarded the Grand Prize! --Grandpa
- on March 22, 2018
Hi Eden, just saw your new artwork “Carrots” today. Last night Pop and I had carrots with our dinner. We really like eating carrots, both raw and cooked. Do you? Again you did a very good job creating your carrot bunch. It looks just like the carrot bunches sold in the grocery store. ?? -- Love, Grammy
- on March 22, 2018
Eden, your lady has such a colorful and fancy hat on her head. I'm wondering how you made this and what you used. Is this painted or did you use material? You'll have to tell me all about it. I really like the design of the hat and how you fashioned it on her head. Very, very nice. -- Love, Grammy
- on February 12, 2018
Eden, I wonder how this bear can be smiling when swimming is such cold water.....burr....it would be too cold for me! But I guess this cold water is just right for a Polar Bear. I really like how you made your polar bear happy and you did a great job with the icebergs too. Keep up the good work Eden. -- Love, Grammy
- on February 12, 2018
The cow is still my favorite. Guess I will have to get him made into a picture. Love Nana
- on January 31, 2018
Hi Eden, Love your bear. He looks like he is enjoying his swim. With the ice in back of him it looks too cold for me to swim in. You did a great job. You are becoming much the artist. Love Nana
- on January 31, 2018
My Dear Eden your Shark appears to be a barnacled beast lurking beneath the unsuspecting surfer enjoying the adventurous ride on the waves which creates a tension to the viewer. Your beauty above and beast below well done with your artistic brush. Keep up the good work. Love Grandpa. -- Grandpa
- on November 29, 2017
Eden, Wow! What a great job you did on your blue whale. I’ve been hearing there are a lot of Blue Whales right now in the Ocean Bay at Monterey. The blue whales are so so big! It would be exciting to see one. Would’nt the person in your drawing be surprised if that big blue whale came up to the surface right next to him! Again Eden, I really, really like how well you made this. Keep up your good work. -- Love, Grammy
- on November 22, 2017
Eden, your watermelon looks so real and yummy. I really like to eat watermelon and you know who else likes to eat watermelon? Molly does; she loves it! Keep up the good work. -- Grammy
- on October 11, 2017
HI Eden...... Good to see your creative art skills back at work. Your recent creation comes across to me having a French Flavor. There is something about the muncher's hair that suggests he could be having his treat in Paris. Thank you for putting my imagination to work. Love Grandpa
- on October 11, 2017
Dear Eden..... Your butterfly with it's stained glass window wings, Grandpa
- on May 31, 2017
I love the bright colors in your stain-glass butterfly, Eden! -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on May 31, 2017
Hello Eden..... Your multi-colored scaled fish with its nose curiously touching the aquarium window looking as though it sees Nemo nearby. I'm calling your delightful fish Blue because you seemed to have portrayed an emotion wonderment with a touch of sadness. Like Blue wants to connect with what's on the other side. Keep up your wonderful ARTISTRY! -- Grandpa
- on May 31, 2017
What a lifelike pineapple you made. This one looks ready to cut and eat. Yum! Pineapple is one of my favorite fruits; do you like it too? -- Love, Grammy
- on May 31, 2017
Eden, what a beautiful fish you made. He is very colorful and I like him a lot. The background colors you used, really help to highlight your fish beautifully. Good work Eden! -- Love, Grammy
- on May 31, 2017
Hi Eden, I love your fish. Your art work is getting better with each work. Keep up the good job. Love Nana
- on May 31, 2017
Dear Eden your Kahlo pineapple could be sliced for a delicious pineapple upside down cake! Yum! -- Grandpa
- on May 3, 2017
Eden, What a sweet bunny you made and just in time for Easter! Love it. -- Grammy
- on April 19, 2017
Eden, your quirky bunny with it's curled whiskers a delight. -- Grandpa
- on April 5, 2017
Your colorful slithering snake adorned with its sparkling diamonds and friendly eyes a delight Eden!!!! Good for you! -- Grandpa
- on March 29, 2017
So pretty! I like this a lot, Eden. -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on March 2, 2017
So pretty! I like this a lot, Eden. -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on March 2, 2017
Hi Eden...... Your Warhol floral so very, very pleasing to the curious eye. Keep up your wonderful ARTISTRY! -- Grandpa
- on March 2, 2017
Hi Eden, I love your flowers. Hope my wild flower patch looks as colorful as your painting. Love Nana -- Nana
- on March 2, 2017
Eden, what a beautiful picture you made. The flowers are beautiful with such vibrant colors and so real looking. Keep up the good work. I really enjoy seeing all of your pictures and look forward to seeing more. -- Grammy
- on March 2, 2017
Hi Eden, You did a great job painting the Tower. Brings back a nice memory for me. I climbed to the top of the tower. There is a stair case inside of the tower. Hopefully one day you will be able to visit Italy and see for yourself. Love Nana
- on February 8, 2017
I like your tower with the blue sky, Eden! Love, Aunt Mary Ann -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on February 1, 2017
Eden, you did excellent work painting the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Do you know that Pop and I visited Piza Italy and saw the real Leaning Tower? When you come over, we'll show you pictures. Your tower looks very much like the real tower. Isn't it amazing that it leans but doesn't fall down! -- Love, Grammy
- on February 1, 2017
Hi Eden.... Your artful leaning tower done so well makes me ask questions such as: Are people allowed in the tower and if so how far up can they go? And has there been any reinforcement at the base of the tower to keep it from leaning further? I'm sure Google will answer any and all questions. Thank you for priming my curiosity with your artful Tower. --Grandpa
- on February 1, 2017
Hello Eden...... Your majestic Queen with golden crown and sparking gold eyes give her a stately look that she rules her kingdom with Fairness and Love. Thank you for your Royal Portrait your Highness! --Grandpa
- on January 18, 2017
Eden, WOW! Your first art portrait and of a Queen, no less. Portrait's are not easy to do, but you did so very well on this one. Your queen looks quite elegant and happy. I'm proud of you Eden. Keep up the good work. I enjoy seeing your art work. -- Love, Grammy
- on January 18, 2017
Eden, this is SO GORGEOUS! You have captured your magical blue eyes so well. I love your golden crown, too. You are truly a princess with such a kind heart and smart brain! XO, Nina
- on January 18, 2017
Eden, your Van Gogh Sunflower rendering would in my mind see Mister Gogh giving you his approving eye of his artwork created 1888. Thank you for sharing your artwork through Renee in this ARTISTRY moment. -- Richard
- on December 28, 2016
Eden, I just saw your new sunflower picture. How pretty it is. I really like sunflowers; they make me feel happy. You will have to tell me how you made this picture. -- Love, Grammy
- on December 28, 2016
I love your bright and sparkly Christmas Tree, Eden! Merry Christmas! -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on December 21, 2016
Eden, I love your Christmas tree with the two peaceful doves. And the bright red star at the top is just perfect. You decorated the tree so very nicely and it makes me feel happy. Christmas will soon be here. -- Love, Grammy
- on December 21, 2016
- on December 14, 2016
This looks like it was fun to make. I love it. Thank you for sharing it, Eden! -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on November 29, 2016
Hi Eden. Your Jelly Fish captures color and form beautifully. Your artful creation makes one to ponder. In other words CAPTURES their attention. Love it. Say Hi to Mom and Dad for me. -- Grandpa
- on November 23, 2016
Hi Eden, Love your new picture. You are a artist. Keep up the good work. Love Nana
- on November 23, 2016
Eden, how cute is this! Their little faces are adorable. I like this picture a lot! -- Love, Grammy
- on November 23, 2016
Eden, what a beautiful picture. I love all the colors you chose. I especially like the jellyfish. When Pop and I were in Hawaii, we visited an aquarium and we saw some jellyfish. They look so pretty and graceful in the water, but they can sure hurt if they touch your skin. -- Love, Grammy
- on November 23, 2016
My dear Eden, Monet himself would marvel at your "Monet". -- Grandpa
- on October 22, 2016
Oh...so pretty. I love this Eden! Thank you for sharing your art work. Love, Aunt Mary Ann -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on October 22, 2016
Hi Eden. Your impressionistic doggie fascinating. Like your cow it has an element of Sadness. Love Grandpa -- Richard
- on October 9, 2016
I always enjoy seeing the expressions you make on the faces, Eden. So sweet! -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on October 5, 2016
What a fun way to use old book pages. I dig those floppy ears! I love seeing where you've written your name at the bottom, Eden. :-)! -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on October 5, 2016
This remind me of Elsa! A D O R A B L E, Eden! Great job. -- Mom & Daddy
- on October 4, 2016
SO SO CUTE, EDEN! I we love this! -- Mom & Daddy
- on October 4, 2016
Hi Eden, I love your vintage dog. What a fun class. You are learning to do so many different types of art. Keep up the good work. Love Nana NANA
- on October 4, 2016
Eden, we love this, we all think it reminds us of Lily! Missing you sweetie. -- Eileen
- on October 4, 2016
Eden, what a cute dog. I love his floppy ears and what big black eyes you gave him. They remind me of Molly's eyes. It makes me just want to reach out and pet this little dog of yours. Great job Eden, keep up the good work. -- Grammy
- on October 4, 2016
Hi Eden, Just figured out this works. Thank you for sharing your art work with me. Your boat makes me want to go sailing. Love Nana
- on September 20, 2016
Dear Eden, Love your cow. Is she looking for a friend? Give her my name. Love Nana
- on September 20, 2016
Eden, You made another beautiful picture. The colors are so bright and vibrant. Good job. -- Marie
- on September 17, 2016
Hi Eden. Your artful sea and boat rendering with it's rich colors was a reminder of my four years in the Navy sailing the high seas on a fast destroyer called the USS Shields DD 596. Thank you. Love Grandpa -- Richard
- on September 17, 2016
This is such a wonderful boat! We love the colors you chose for this picture! Love, Mom and daddy -- Elizabeth
- on September 15, 2016
Your painting makes me happy, Eden. I want to hop in your sailboat, take a ride on those lovely blue waves and feel the warmth of that yellow sky! Let's go! :-) Love, Aunt Mary Ann -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on September 15, 2016
I like the blue color against the red background. The expression you gave your cow's face is precious, Eden! Thank you for sharing your art with me. Love, Aunt Mary Ann -- Aunt Mary Ann
- on September 14, 2016
Oh Eden! Love your Happy Cow with a tinge Sadness. Maybe she missed her call to pasture. Mom and Dad can explain. Her gold tells how special she is. -- Grandpa
- on September 14, 2016
What a pretty cow! You did a very nice job Eden and I like the colors you used. -- Grammy
- on September 14, 2016
We love this artwork Eden! I especially love the expression on the face of this sweet animal! -- Eileen
- on September 14, 2016
SO pretty! We especially love the purple you used, Eden! -- Mom & Daddy