trinity5941's Comments (8)

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Below are comments about trinity5941's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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How cool, honey. Did you get dizzy when making this? If I look too long, my eyes start to cross. Keep up the good work with your art, honey. You're very talented. Love you. Gram and Pops
-- Teresa
- on June 6, 2018
This is a really neat still life drawing, Trin. You are becoming quite good with your art. Keep up the good work, honey. Gram and Pops
-- Teresa
- on March 21, 2018
Honey, I remember bringing this home for you. It is a great piece of artwork. You did good. Love, Gram and Pops
-- Teresa/Gram
- on August 16, 2017
Trin, this is a great mask. I remember you making it. Love, Gram and Pops
-- Teresa/Gram
- on August 16, 2017
Hi Trin, I love your fish, they are very creative. Keep up the good work, honey. Love you. Gram and Pops
-- Teresa/Gram
- on August 16, 2017
I love the colors and the detail of the fish.
-- Stephanie
- on February 6, 2017
I love it! The colors are great! Looks just like Stitch.
-- Stephanie
- on December 26, 2016
Beautiful piece. I love the design and color.
-- Stephanie
- on December 2, 2016