So61's Comments (13)

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Below are comments about So61's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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SJ, this looks like Mose! ?? ????. I love it! -Mom
- Naomi (Mother) on May 25, 2022
SJ, This is my all time favorite piece of your artwork! Can you guess why?! You are so creative and a talented artist!
-- Naomi
- on January 31, 2019
Cool robot, SJ!
-- Mom
- on February 14, 2018
SJ, you are a true artist and have quite the imagination! Great job!
-- Mom
- on December 13, 2017
Great job Solomon.
-- Lynne
- on December 13, 2017
I made my crown out of oil pastels and I made the background with paint. The crown has emojis and candy canes and unicorn horns.
-- Solomon
- on February 9, 2017
Love the penguin SJ!
-- Mom
- on February 9, 2017
That's my boy!...Such the artist and his silly side shining through. Great work buddy!
-- Mom
- on February 9, 2017
Awesome picture Solomon.
-- Granma Lynne
- on February 9, 2017
This is paper that the kids made :) So cool!
-- Mom
- on October 27, 2016
My budding artist! :)
-- Mom
- on October 27, 2016
Love the colors, you are very creative. Keep up the great art work.
-- Granma Lynne
- on October 27, 2016
Solomon, great job with your art. You will have to let Granpa and I know how you made this, looks like you can eat this... : )
-- Granma Lynne
- on October 27, 2016