Asher1542's Comments (20)

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Below are comments about Asher1542's artwork that have been left by teachers, family or other website visitors.
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Asher, your artwork is great. I love your colors. You are very creative. Love, Gigi
-- Gigi
- on August 24, 2017
Asher grammy and papa are quackers over your newest piece of art work.
-- grammy
- on August 24, 2017
beautiful colors
-- grammy
- on August 24, 2017
Asher, Grammy loves the blue dog you painted. My class hasn't read the Blue Dog book. Next time I see you I want to hear about it.
-- Grammy
- on May 10, 2017
Asher your artwork is amazing. I love the way you use colors. You are a talented young artist.
-- Gigi
- on May 3, 2017
WOW! That is absolutely amazing Asher. Papa and I think this is the best work you have done so far. Keep up the awesome work.
-- Grammy
- on February 13, 2017
Your artwork is amazing. Watercolor is so much fun and challenging. Your Reindeer shows how creative your color choices are and so brilliant. Keep up the great work.
-- Gigi
- on February 13, 2017
Asher the "Christmas Reindeer" is amazing. The colors are brilliant and beautiful. I just love your artwork.
-- Gigi
- on February 13, 2017
That's a really cool moose!!
-- papa
- on February 13, 2017
You smell like a moose
-- Drew
- on February 13, 2017
Asher, your art continues to amaze me. Keep up your hard work.The way you use colors show how creative you are Asher. I am so happy I get to share your work with my friends.
-- Love, Gigi
- on January 13, 2017
Asher, your art continues to amaze me. Keep up your hard work.The way you use colors show how creative you are Asher. I am so happy I get to share your work with my friends.
-- Gigi
- on January 13, 2017
your trees are beautiful
-- Papa
- on December 7, 2016
Papa likes the acorn man.
-- Papa
- on December 7, 2016
i love your winter scene. Grammy would frame this one.
-- Grammy
- on December 7, 2016
Asher your artwork is Awesome. ?? Gigi
-- Gigi
- on November 23, 2016
Asher, your art work continues to amaze grammy and papa. You have a precious gift. Not many children as young as you can do such an awesome job! Keep up the good work. Love Papa and Grammy
-- Ann & Bruce
- on November 23, 2016
Asher, your collage is wonderful! You could be an illustrator for children's books. Keep up the great work.
-- Grammy
- on November 23, 2016
Asher your picture reminds Grammy of the art work in the Eric Carl books. It is so wonderful that I can't believe that a kindergarten student did it! Keep up the great work Asher.
-- ann
- on September 28, 2016
Asher your Cat is Awesome. I love cats, and I love you.
-- Gigi
- on September 28, 2016