Jesa, your ladybugs look like they are busy at work! Very nicely done! -- Love, Grandma Pat
- on June 24, 2018
Hi there, that is one real looking cat! Very good job! — Aunt Karen
- on May 25, 2018
I think I'll frame this one! -Mama -- Kelly
- on May 2, 2018
Jesa, you did a great job following the art work of Paul Klee. He would be honored to have you as an apprentice! It really looks like your cat has that bird on his mind! So proud of you! Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on May 2, 2018
that is a super cool picture Jesa -- Uncle Dave
- on May 2, 2018
Jesa, this makes me very impatient for fresh veggies from our gardens. But yours are so colorful and tasty looking I can imaging enjoying them while I wait. Love you. -- Grandma Pat
- on April 22, 2018
Jesa, i just loved your painting. you did a wonderful job. i am proud of you! -- David
- on April 22, 2018
So beautiful! -- Kelly
- on March 21, 2018
I love this kind polar bear! -- Kelly
- on March 21, 2018
I love your clown with pig nose and flower hair, so fun! -- Kelly
- on March 21, 2018
I love the rain, sun and the rainbow in this one! Very nice! -Mama -- Kelly
- on March 21, 2018
Ooops, I missed seeing this one. Jesa, I really like your use of color in this. Is it raining while the sun is shining? Very nice! Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on March 21, 2018
Jesa, you should make sure Aunt Rebecca sees this. She loves clowns! Good job! Love you. -- Grandma Pat
- on March 21, 2018
Ahh, my "Tiny Dancer" has a colorful song :). Very nice Jesa. -- grandpa Mark
- on March 12, 2018
Jesa, that is the friendliest polar bear I have ever seen! Do you think he'd be happy if we went to visit him? -- Grandma Pat
- on March 12, 2018
How fun! I love it!-mama -- Kelly
- on January 17, 2018
Nicely done, Jesa. -- Grandma Pat
- on January 17, 2018
Very good job, Jesa. You are quite the artist! I see good things in your future. - Great Aunt Karen
- on January 17, 2018
Beautiful! My favorite painting yet! -- Kelly
- on January 11, 2018
Jesa, I love everything about this painting! The swirl of snow, the bright cardinal, the pine tree; all of it is super fantabulous!!! I think this is my favorite picture so far. Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on January 11, 2018
I'm glad you are learning about primary colors: There's no limit on what you can create when you have those three colors! Keep up the good work, Jesa! Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on November 1, 2017
I love it! Great job Jesa! -- Kelly
- on October 26, 2017
Very cool. I love the hearts. ?? -- Kelly
- on October 26, 2017
Wow! Great colors! I love it! -- Kelly
- on October 26, 2017
Jesa, This painting has a lot going on and is very interesting. Maybe we can talk about it sometime! Another winner!! Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on October 26, 2017
Jesa, I believe your snail really likes the colorful house painting, and so do I! Grandpa Mark -- Grandpa Mark
- on October 19, 2017
Wow! That's the prettiest snail I've ever seen! Great work, Jesa! -- Grandma Pat
- on October 19, 2017
Jesa, Grandpa and I were just watching a show on giraffes. You did such a great job drawing yours that I can see the real ones dancing too! What fun! Love you, -- Grandma Pat
- on May 31, 2017
I love your dancing giraffe! Great job Jesa. -- Kelly
- on May 9, 2017
JESA, Good work on your giraffe picture. I like it a lot. You are doing such a great job. You are so artistic! Love, Aunt Karen
- on May 3, 2017
Jesa, I really like your buildings, especially the texture! Great job! -- Grandma Pat
- on December 7, 2016
This is Jesa's pumpkin. -- Kelly
- on October 6, 2016
Jesa doesn't remember what this one is, but I love the colors and full use of paper. -- Kelly
- on October 6, 2016
Jesa, WOW! I love all the colors. It makes me smile and I can't wait to see more! -- Grandma Pat